The day after

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The day after:

In the Leclerc home, where the Schumacher too were held up at the moment. They have the tv turned on. Not watching it, everybody is just sitting there, staring into the debt of nothing. Suddenly there is breaking news on the tv.

"The La times has recorded that Emily Schumacher has died." Charles gets upset and leaves to his room. Pascale goes after her son, trying to comfort him. Mick breaks down in his mothers arms, needing the comfort form his mother. He lost EVERYTHING.

"Here is some of her friend, who have posted on their social about her being gone."

Ariana Grande: We have yesterday, after a terrible accident. Lost one of the worlds most loved and greatest person. Emily was truly a person out of everyone's leagues. She was too good for all of us, there was not a mean bone in her body. Her work was amazing, let's cherish her together. 

Billie breaks down at her concert.

Her fans breaks down on the internet.

Harry styles, in a interview: Yeah, I am just processing moments with her because, we worked on some music together. She was an amazing person and had the best quality's.

Kika: I miss her more than I could ever say. I lost my best friend and she is so deep in my heart, that I can still feel her. I will miss her to the eternity of time. 

Fans crying together on live videos. One fan says this one her life: she saved my life.

Charles and Mick where filmed sitting with each other breaking down in the paddock. A week after.

Charles finds her phone, in the pieces that's left of his car, after she died. He opens it up, he sees all their memories on her phone and breaks down. Charles turns around to face Mick. Charles breaks down in micks arms and they just stand there for some minutes. 

Charles cries out loud. "I can't do this Mick..."

Her text to him, from the day before:

E: Hey... I think its time.. we let this go for good.. I have tried to fight for it, forget it. But I cant stop the hating. And it took me so long before I figured out, that no matter what I do things aren't gonna change. I wish you would have told me that I wasn't enough for you before I found out from my best friend. It would have saved to much hurt, embarrassment, pain.. I think what hurts the most is that I would have done anything for you. Its hard to let you go because I genuinely believe I will love you forever, for the rest of my life but staying hurts more than letting go at this point. I just want to say goodbye before I delete your number and say that I will always love you.


Yours always E

Her voicemail to him, from the day before:

E: Hey. I know I keep calling and texting, I..I don't really know where to start... I just want you to know, that I'm sorry.... And I will keep apologizing for as long as is takes, I know I made a big mistake walking away... I wish I could take it back I wish I didn't knock us off track like it did. I wish.. I wish you and me could be back like we were before... I never meant to hurt you. That was never my intention.. I will forever regret what I did. So I guess I just wanted you to know that.... I'm sorry.

Another call from her:

E: In case I die soon. Please tell me you love me too. I need to know the thruth before my spirit fades into the sunset. Don't hold it in today. Tomorrow is not promised. Yesterday is dead and all we have is this moment. Don't waste it bitting your tongue. Tell me what I need to hear before I disappear. Say you love me too.

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