Meeting again

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Charles Pov

I told Pierre about my dream, he didn't make his usual sayings like. "Mate you know she's not coming back." or "Stop imagining thing Charles. It will only hurt more, that way." None of that, which was weird to me, he just sat there and listened, as I called him. Pierre was never quiet. He always had something to say, about everything. 

We meet up with each other at the track, it's my home Gran Prix. I'm hoping for a good one, it hasn't been my best year, since she passed. I'm fighting hard to prove myself, but it seems like whatever I am doing, it's not enough. 

We walk to the track walk together, something that we do from time to time. Mostly to clear our heads and talk a bit. That's when I see her. In all of her glory and beautiful, I see her walking the track with Mick. I can't believe my own eyes. 

I stop immediately, making Pierre stop to and looking back at me, as he is now in front of me. Pierre walk in the direction, to which I am currently staring in. 

"I know bro. She's here. I don't know how or when or anything, but your eyes are not lying to you." He throws and arm around my shoulders, they pair of twins are walking in front of us. I feel the tears in my eyes, starting to form. 

"Is it really her? How are you not surprised?" I ask Pierre. 

Pierre shrugs his shoulders. "I saw her earlier, she looked like herself, but more quiet than before."

I take his arm off of my shoulder, he could have told me, he should have. "Why didn't you think to tell me. You know she is the love of. my life and that I would do anything to have her back in my life. I would give up everything." 

I watch Pierres eyes get wider, by every words coming from my mouth, he can't be surprised by my words, he already know all of this. 

"I though I recognized, that loud voice of someone being upset." Her voice rings in my ears, like sweet music. God I missed that.

I turn around to face her, she looks even more fragile than before and tired. Mick seems happy, I get why. I think nothing else, but I just need to hug her. I whisper in her ear. "I missed you Princess." 

"I missed you too, Charlie." I love how she still uses her "old" nickname to me. I check her out, that's when I see the stroller behind her. 

I immediately get a lump in my throat. I clear my throat. "Oh, Congratulations. Is it yours?" I ask her. I already know it is, that baby looks exactly like her. 

She nods, and sigh lightly. "Yeah, she is the most precious thing I have. I Love her to death."

The baby starts crying, Mick goes to it. "Come here, sweety. You don't have to cry uncle Micki is here."

I never thought I would see Mick like this, all cuddly and talking baby talk. "Does he or she have a name?" I ask her. 

She quickly looks at the ground then at Mick, who then nods at her. "Her name is Jules.." And it hits me like a truck. Fuck she really did this. Name her first born, after him, he would be so happy, especially since the kid is so cute.

"Can we talk? Just us two." I really need to talk. She nods, as Pierre walks over to Mick, to talk to Jules. I sigh, before saying. "You left me behind, still I thought about you every single day.. Did anyone hurt you? Why did you do it?"

"Charles, you don't understand.." She starts.

I interrupt her. "Understand what?"

She speak louder now. "You're the only one who hurt me."


Later that same day.

I sit with Arthur eating lunch. I told him everything. I have not been eating well either, I have just not been thriving at all. 

Arthur sighs. "Why'd id your ry to kill yourself, Charles?" He asks me, he is so serious in his gaze, I have never seen him like this. 

I look down at my plate of food. "I hurt her... I hurt the only girl I ever loved." I watch Arthurs gaze move for me to the door. I follow his eyes, and there she is again. Standing right behind me, having probably heard everything I just said.

I look back down in my lap, trying to avoid it. She had heard everything. "Charles?... Charlie.. I'm sorry."

She sits down beside me, she takes my hand squeezing it tightly. I look up at her. "Will you just please tell me, so I can understand?" 

She nods, before taking a deep breath. "I was in Spain and I ws alone in my hotel. I remember there was this window, it was right there. I was going to do it."

Arthur interrupts her, which I could kill him for doing. "Do you know why you didn't?"

"Umm." She hates being interrupted, she still does. 

Arthur pushes on. "Emily?"

"Don't push her Arthur!" I add in, receiving a light squeeze on my hand. 

I watch the panic start tearing her apart, as I get her up form her seat, taking her to my car. SO I can get her back to her place. 


The next day before qualy. 

I met her outside my apartment, I never expected her to wait here for me. If I knew I would have been here quicker. "Hello Princess, what are you doing here?"

She hugs me. "Mick took Jules for the morning, so I had some free time. Whoever to spend my free time with, than the home favorite." We laugh together, something I have missed terribly. 

"How about we go for breakfast?" I ask her, hoping she has not eaten yet, because I haven't. She agrees. Here we go!


At breakfast we talk a bit about how racing has been and Jules. 

"So Charlie, did you get married? I know you always talked about that." She asks me, She knows I didn't get married, because if I would get married. I could only be to her, she owns my heart.

I shake my heard. "I told you I would wait for you. Even if it meant, that I would have to wait forever. I keep my words, My love."

We talk a bit more. I'm still wondering who the dad is to Jules, Emily just doesn't seem to have a boyfriend or anything. At least not one I have seen yet. I wonder how old Jules is?


We split up after breakfast, Emily has to go get Jules at the Haas garage and I have to go to my garage. 

No much time passes before I see Emily in my garage with my merch on, holding the little girl on her arm. The little girl wearing the CL16 hat I have Emily at the Melbourne race last year. My lucky charm.

Mick Schumachers twin sisterWhere stories live. Discover now