About love?

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I watch everyone settle in before my concert is starting, Mick was going home and so am I after this. I don't know if anyone else is here, I can't concentrate on that right now. After some minutes of preparing, I take a sip of my water bottle, before making my way on to the stage.

Ironically enough, at this concert, Im not singing any heartbreak songs or any sad ones, only the ones I have written about love. As Im about to end the concert, I hear a fan yelling at me, from the crowd. I look around the many people in front of me, searching for her. It's not easy, to find one, just one person right here. There she is, I finally find her. I give a sign to the security guards in front of the stage, to give her a microphone.

She gets shy, but asks me. "How do you not worry about love?" Shit, well I do. I smile down at her and say.

"Don't worry so much about love, who's goin to love you or how they are going to love you, when they do. Don't worry about, when you're going to find it. Love is the most infinite and effortless presence there is in this world. It's found in the things that make you feel at home. The tiny crevices of human nature, the way that flowers bloom, or that the birds always have enough food. Love is found in hospitals and stores, home cooked meals and the smiles of bypassing strangers. Love is the music you love, the jokes we make. Not to forget the "Are you okay?" and "Get home safe." texts. Love is found in the way you wake up every morning. No one needs to worry about love, it's around all the time, every single second, in every moment. Love will reach you at your best and meet you at your lowest. There is no force in this world, stronger than love. Love will always find a way."

I end like this and I hear all of them cheering for me, as I leave the stage. I get into my car and drive back to the hotel, when my phone vibrates in my purse. It's a notification from Instagram.

Charles_Leclerc tagged you in a post.

Mhmm, I wonder what this is. I press on the notification, which open up my phone. Only to see, a video of me, from earlier. When I talked about love. The post is captioned with.

Never have a beautiful woman, been more right❤️
"Love is in the things, that make you feel at home."

Love IS the strongest force in this world. I think that's also, why I can't stop loving Charles. Even if I wanted to, I doubt it that I would be capable of not loving him.

I lean back on the headrest of my hotel bed. Waiting for Mick to get back from the drivers party. My next concert is in Canada, Im flying home with Mick, before going there. I happy to go back home, see mom and dad again. I miss them, being away form home so much, now that I am getting used to seeing them some more.

I have sat up for some hours now and Mick has not returned yet, so I decide to go to sleep.

The next morning

I wake up to my phone ringing. I wonder who is calling at this time of the day, I look to the bed next to mine, which is Micks. I see that it's empty, he never came home. I pick up my phone to see that it's Mick calling me.

Call incoming: Micki❤️.. ... ...

I accept the call.

M: OMG! Finally you could pick up. Where are you? I have been out all night looking for you, with the others. You never came to the party. We're all worried to death about you.

E: Well hello to you too. I'm at your hotel room and have been since last night, after my concert. I waited for you to come back here, but you never did. SO I went to sleep, because I was tired. I'm sorry I worried you all.

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