Las Vegas

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I entered the plane, going to Las Vegas. I promised Mick to watch the race. He promised me to come to my concert.

The race went well for Mick. He got P5, which is far up the order for a Haas.
At her concert

I wrote a new song, it's about him. Or for him, calm it what you want.

"My biggest mistake wasn't falling for you, it was thinking that maybe you fell for me too." I see Charles standing in the crowd with everyone else.
With Charles
I think to myself: Emily please...

"And I overthink it cause thats what I do. But there was a world where it was me and you." She continues singing, continues to break my heart. 

I start to get desperate, so I run out to the back of the stage. Yelling at her manager. "please let me explain to her." her manager doesn't let me through, understanding enough. 
After the concert (With Emily again.)

I can finally relax a little before my flight home tomorrow. I promise you, there is nothing like going home to Italy. 

i lean back on the couch, with a glass of water in my hand. I have to drink this before going to bed, I can pack tomorrow, before the flight. 

I have finished my glass of water and as I begin to head towards my bed. I hear a knocking on the hotel door. Who is knocking on my door, at this hour?

I walk to the door, to open it. Only to find him. Charles looks down into the floor and I see the tears flooding his perfect face. 

I open the door more widely, to let him in. I'm aware that he doesn't deserve this, but I can't see him like this. We walk to the couch and Charles sits down. "Can I get you something? I have water, coffee and-"

He drags me down towards him. I end up sitting beside him on the couch. I make some distance between us, otherwise we would have been seated pretty close. 

"I don't need anything. I just need you." Charles finally looks up at me, while he admits. 

"You ruined that yourself, Charles. You choose her, not me." I can't look at him, not when he acts like this. 

Charle smokes on himself a bit. "God Em. I hate her. I hate kissing her. I hate touching her. I hate her calling me Charlie, loverboy. I hate that.. I hate that she's not you."

I press my eyebrows together. "Charles. What are you doing? This isn't right. You shouldn't talk about your girlfriend that way."

Charles sighs. "That's just it Em. I don't want her to be my girlfriend. I want you." Who does he think he is?

"You choose her." I look him deep in his blue eyes.

"That was the worst decision of my life. I was so stupid to think that I could be happy with anyone other than you." Why is he doing this to me? What did I do to deserve this. 

I sigh. "I don't know what to say."

"Say you'll take me back. If I break up with her, it's just for the media anyways. Say you will let me spend the rest of our lives making it up to you."

He is very serious about this. "Charles. Are you sober right now?"

He chuckles. "Not completely.."

"Then this conversation is over. I'm not going to talk to you, when your drunk or whatever. I'm not going to get my hopes up that you will choose me. When you're sober. Just because you're choosing me now."

Charles throws his hands in the air. "Em. You don't get it. I will always choose you."

I move further away from him. "I just can't believe that." I get up and leave for my bedroom.

Charles follows me. "Em. Emily, Please. Talk to me. I'm sorry."

I get into my bedroom, lock the door behind me. Not much time after, I hear the hotel door close. He left. I wen out to lock the door and go back under my covers. I picked up my phone and texted Pierre, he is both mine and Charles close friend.

Pierre Gasly🏎🥴    Active now.

E: Image attached.

E: God. He comes over and I am ready to run back to him, like I didn't break up with him, because he cheated and broke my heart. I'm pathetic, aren't I?

P: Of course not Mils. You love him. You can't just stop.

E: I feel terrible wrapping you up in all my drama.

P: Mils, I'm one of your best friends. Being in your drama is the purpose of my existence.

E: You're the best friend ever!

P: Wait till I tell Kika. No but, I love you too. And I know you love him more than anything.

E: Don't remind me. 

P: Let's see tomorrow, what he does? If he is stills serious, I say follow your heart. Here you are the one to decide wether that will be, kicking him to the kern or letting him in again, giving it another go. If he's not serious tomorrow. Then I will help you key his car and egg his house.

E: I seriously don't deserve you.

P: You deserve the world, Mils.


Charles then texted her.

Charles Leclerc  Active now. 

C: Do you remember what you told me 2 hours ago?

E: Yes, Charles I do.

C: You told me, to come back to you tomorrow sober. So you would know that it was real. Well this is me coming back to you now. Completely sober. To tell you that I broke it off with Britney. And I confronted her about ruining what you and me have.

E: Had, Charles. But are you serious?

C: She kicked me out and everything. Said I was a disgrace to my name. But Arthur is still the Best of the Leclerc's. 

E: Charles. I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve that. You're incredibly smart and talented. Britney is a disgrace to her family name. Come to my hotel. You can stay here.

C: Really?!

E: Yes, but I'm not forgiving you yet. We are not back together. You still have to gain back my trust. You really hurt me. I'm not forgiving you so fast, this time. 

C: I love you, Em. More than anything I have ever loved before. You're it for me!

E: I'm proud of you, for standing up for yourself. I know it wasn't easy to do so. 

C: No oen has ever said that to me before. Thank you. For everything. I'm so sorry that I ahem hurt you. I know I fucked up. but I meant it when I said I will spend the rest of our lives making it up to you.

E: Alright, Loverboy. Just get here already. Stop being all sentimental and stuff. I don't feel like crying.

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