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I simply didn't have time to go to the Grand-prix in Singapore. I was only there to do my concert, then back home to Italy, right after. I'm pretty busy at the moment, with writing new song and having meetings with other artists.

NEWSFLASH!! Me and Charles are back together again. I think everyone saw it coming, I mean how can you say no to him. The answer is simple: You can't.

I promised Mick and Charles to go to Japan with them, for the entire week. I know how hard this Grand-prix is for a lot of the drivers, especially Charles. So I wanna be there to support him and be there for him. 

I landed with the plane, at 5.30 Wednesday. Charles and Mick both wanted to pick me up here, so I guess they will both be here. I have no idea. 

I get my suitcase and head to the pick up area. There is quite a lot of people, but that doesn't mean that I don't find my to crazies running towards me. Charles tries to run faster than Mick, but doesn't succeed. 

I stand still, laughing at both the boys. I'm luck, so lucky to have someone like those two in my life. The next thing I know, Mick lifts me up into the air and spins me around. I missed him so much, he was at my concert but I haven't seen him since then. Same goes for Charles. 

My brother finally lets go of me, putting me back on the ground. Mick looks me deep into my eyes. "I missed you Mily." 

I hug him again. "I missed you to Micki." We both let go of the hug, only to find Charles wrapping his strong arms around me. Almost squeezing the leftover air out of me. 

I missed him to. "I missed you, Charlie." He kissed me on the cheek.

Not wanting to let go. He says, "I missed you even more, my love."

We all talk for a little, before going to the car. Charels took my suitcase, while I'm busy talking about, my new songs and upcoming collaborations. They both congratulate me and off we go to the hotel. In the week I haven't been accompanying them, I have put a lot of thought into how much I like going to the races, supporting them. 

We get to the hotel room. I'm staying with Charles this weekend, he got us the biggest and most luxurious room, that they have here. it has it's own kitchen and a big balcony. 

Charles offers to make dinner for us. I know that he is not necessarily the best cook, but he tries from one time to another. 

Later in the day, I find Charles in the kitchen, preparing dinner for us. "You're really gonna cook?" I ask him.

"Yes." His answer is short, because he is so concentrated on the food.

I giggle. "Well, just don't burn anything."

I get closer to him, to watch him as he cooks. he nudged me at my shoulder. "I'm a prober chef, Love."

I look down at the food, laughing hysterically. "Charles! Your pasta!" I pointed at the pot.

Charles fixed his mess, he looks up at me. "This was my last attempt." We laugh a little and get to the table. We start to eat. I look at Charles, trying not to laugh.

"This pasta is a little too hard." Charles admits. 

My eyes get wide. "A little? It's not even Al Dente. Charlie."

"I tried my best. I didn't want to overcook it. It just became undercooked I guess." Charles looks confused at the pasta in front of us. 

I pat him on his shoulder. "Please, leave the cooking to me." He nods and keeps eating the horrible pasta. 


It's Qualifying day!!

I know this weekend, get to a lot of the drivers. So I planned a little something with the FIA.

I get up on the podium, checking the microphone. No one knew I was gonna do this, other than myself and the FIA. Kind of a surprise. 

"Calling everyone in the paddock here today, will you all come to the podium." I say into he microphone. Not long after I see Charles running towards the podium, Mick too. Behind them comes the other drivers and team members. Not to forget the paddock guests. 

"Thank you all for gathering. I together with the FIA, thought it would be an idea. To gather, all of us. To have moment of silence, to our lost soul here at the Suzuka track. After that we will all send a prayer. For a driver, a team, him or a loved one. We need to stay together and praise all of the drivers here today. You have all worked amazingly up until now and I know you well enough to know, that none of you are giving up. Please take care of each other out there, everyone has a family to go home to."

I hear the loud claps from the crowd under me. I see Charles, Pierre, Daniel and Lewis standing close together, having an arm around the others shoulder. They all raced with him or knew him. They miss him, no doubt. Here more than anywhere else. 

"So now.... A moment of complete silence, for our Jules Bianchi.. May he Rest In Peace." I feel a tear roll from my eye, Charles sees and quickly disappears from the crowd. 

Not long after, I feel an arm around my waist. I look to my side, to see Charles. He is in tears. "This means the world to me, Love." I know it does, he didn't have to tell me. 

I take an arm around Charles, before looking down to the crowd again. Pierre and Kika stand in each others embrace, just as Daniel, Heidi. Lewis moved to stand with Mick. 

"Thank you guys. Let's together all pray." So we do. It's a beautiful moment, the paddock has never been this quiet on quali day. Charles hold me tight, while mumbling some words, not loud enough for me to hear. But it doesn't matter to me. 

Mick Schumachers twin sisterWhere stories live. Discover now