"What do I do?"

80 2 0

Charles POV

I watch her walk back into the garage. I lost her, fully and completely. I stand here for some time, frozen in the air, that not long ago held both of us. After some minutes, I see my mom walk to me. She grabs my hand and leads me to a bench on the front of the garage.

"You really hurt her." My mom tells me, like I don't already know that.

"I know mom! I can't get her back. I lost her!"

"No you didn't, son. You lost her trust. That's even worse. If you want her back, you need to show her your worth trusting again. That means not sleeping with her best friend again, maybe sending her flowers, cards, showing up at her concerts, liking or commenting on her posts. Show her you care, that you are worth it!"

"God, I have been so stupid. Why haven't I already started."

"She's good with you, she fits in perfectly with your family. I love the effect she has on all of us. Her words are comforting. They way she can make you, get to your core. Make you understand, not just racing, but life. What she did with Arthur today. If she hated you, or never wanted anything to do with you again. She would have never come here today." I smirk, just by the thought. "I am almost a 100% sure, that Arthur is gonna get a podium today. With her speech before hand. It was beautiful."

I admit. "It was." We both get back into the garage, my eyes immediately fall her on back. She stands beside Lorenzo and Christine. She does fit in here perfectly. A lot shorter than the rest of my family, but that doesn't hurt anyone.

I walk over to stand beside Philippe, none of us really talk, the race is intense. F2 is normally not THIS intense, but Arthur is thriving. I look over at her and I see her holding a little figure in her hand, not sure what it is. But I have never seen it before.


My brother first over the finish line. P1, the winner of the Italian F2 race. He did it. Arthur comes back into the Parc Fermé and quickly he is scooped away to the podium. We all walk to the podium, to celebrate him, even her. She walk with my mom, in front of the rest of us, I overhear their conversation.

"I knew he could do it!" I hear her say.

"You are my boys lucky charm, Darling." My mom turns to her, while they're walking side by side. I hope my mom doesn't go over her limit here.

"I am glad to help." Emily says back. I guess she didn't.

After the podium, Arthur runs down to the fence to hug us all. Firstly mom, Philippe, Christine, Emily. When he hugs her, she says.v"You did it, mini Leclerc. I am SOO proud!" Emily yells to Arthur.

"It's all you, it's your work and words. That gave me this." Arthur says while pointing to his trophy.

"It wasn't. You're the driver and a hella good one also." They all giggle, that's the effect she has on everyone. They laugh, then he hugged Lorenzo, then me. She quickly disappears from my sight, I search for her immediately.

Lorenzo comes up to me "She left, she promised to support Mick." I just nod.

Mick Schumachers twin sisterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon