1 year later

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1 Year after.. With Charles.

I sigh, knowing that this pain will never end, it will keep hurting. Mick and I don't really talk anymore, we just kindly walk past each other whenever. It hurts, all of it. 

Before the drivers conference, Pierre, Mick, Carlos and me. Stand there waiting to be called in. As I get a notification on my phone, I open it up. I feel the tears filling up my eyes, as I read it. "One year anniversary on Emily Schumacher death." It hits me like a truck. 

I fall to the floor, making all the boys confused as to what happened. I guess that have not thought about it, it still hurts me so much. 

I whisper so quietly, hoping that they will not hear me. "A part of me, is still waiting for Emily to come back?"

Pierre kneels down in front of me, putting an arm on my shoulder. "What! Still?

Carlos looks down at me, I hate the city on his face. I'm not looking at him , but I can feel it. "She's not coming back mate. She's gone."

I look up at him. "Look, I know alright. It's just.. I mean I don't still love her but I do in a way." I look up at Mick, seeing the tears fall down his cheeks.


In the drivers conference:

An interviewer to Mick. "Why do you still grieve your sister so much?"

Mick looks at the interviewer confused, drying a couple tears falling from his eyes. "I mean how could I not. Emily irreplaceable."

The interviewer, gets further back down in his seat. "Everyone is replaceable."

The whole room gasps, at this moment everyone is holding their breaths."No not her. Emily is my twin sister and my best friend. Meaning that she is always there for me, whether I am upset or happy. She cheers me up, when I need it and I'm so so grateful for her. She is the most gorgeous, smart and kindest should, I have ever meet in my entire life. I didn't think we would be as close as we got, I love this girl so so much. I'm so grateful, that I have someone like her in my life. She will forever be my #1 no matter, what and no one and I mean no one will ever replace this girl. I don't give a fuck about who you are you could be a whole ass celebrity and I wouldn't replace her with you. She will always be my #1 best friend."


Charles in the same  interview, that gets shown on every screen in the paddock.

"They all say time heals. They say time heals but not quite for this pain time doesn't heal for grief its simply sustains. Grief grows with you sculpting your heart like a mold it has frown lines and sun spots it look more like you as you get old. The days dont get easier they just slowly change its not the same yesterday or tomorrow but its pain all the same. Time can make it unbearable knowing its been so long without you thinking about how its been a year and somehow next year it will be two. As time goes on I will still grieve whether its about the past or the future its still you without me. I will mourn you but also who I was before knowing I will never se her again that girl that girl with so much more. They say time heals and I say that not quite true because I will never be all me again but I will carry the love of you."


With Mick

God I wish I could tell Charles, everything that I know. It is hard to see him like this. He has not been doing good, in life or racing since her "Death"

I just don't know what to do.

Mick Schumachers twin sisterUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum