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It's no surprise. That I have grown into liking the paddock over this past year. Most of the boys are amazing and nice. I'm still not feeling great after everything and I can't move on. 

I eat breakfast with all the drivers, including him. He has sat himself on the opposite side of the table from me. Mick on my side and to the other Lando. Mick soon left to the bathroom.

I barely eat any of my food, which has become a regular thing. Lando nudges me lightly. "Hey Mils. Are you okay?"

Carlos looks up at me, he sits beside Lando. "Is there anything we can do for you dear?"

Suddenly I hear a too known voice. "Is there anyone I could call?" Charles asks me. I can still not look him in the eyes, so I just continue to look down, at my still full plate. 

"No one, thank you guys. I ain't sad, just wondering." I feel his eyes on me.

Charels grabs my hand over the table. "Talk to me, Em."

I quickly pull my arm towards my body, to get away from his grip. "Talk.. Talk about what.. About your new girlfriend?"

Charles looks shocked at my reaction. "I thought you didn't care."

I roll my eyes, laughing at him. "Like you cared."

I hear Carlos whispering to Lando. "This is new, no?"

I sigh. "You're my unrequited love, Charles. You don't even see that."

Lando places his hand on my arm. "You seem quite upset."

I shake my head, in disbelief. "He hasn't told you has he? Fuck me. I'm so glad I didn't miss this."

Mick comes back from the bathroom. he senses the tense air around the table. "What's going on here?" He asks.

I look at Lando, to answer his question. "Charles doesn't love me anymore. Do you Charlie?" Charles doesn't answer. "I really thought you loved me."

"That's because I do!" Charles finally speak up.

I scoff at him. He is ridiculous. "Then why did you fuck my Ex Best friends?" Talking about the damn devil and here she comes. 

I'm already crying so screw it. "Britney! Britney!" I yell out, to get her attention. "Please, don't take my man, just because you can. Your beauty is beyond compare, with flaming locks of auburn hair. With ivory skin and eyes of emerald green. Your smiles is like a breath of fresh air, your voice is soft like summer rain. And I cannot compete with you. There is nothing I can dot keep me from crying. And I can understand how you could easily take my man. But you don't know what he meant to me."

Mick gets me up from the spot I have gotten myself on, sitting on the floor in the middle of the restaurant, crying like a freak. Mick gets me home to the hotel and to bed. 


the next day. I decide to post a picture on my instagram story of mine and Lando trip together. We went jetsking, I think him and Mick planned this to get my head away from everything that went down last night. It did help a lot, I had fun with Lando. 


With Charles

I see her story and fuck that hurts. She looks so happy though, behind Lando on that jetski. Pierre stands beside me. I show him the picture. "Do you think they're dating?" 

Pierre shrugs, even he is disappointed in me. "Even if they're not. You lost her for good this time. You lost her the moment, that you choose to fuck Britney, again." He leaves me behind. I would have never thought, that Pierre would be dissatisfied with how I treated a girl. It was always the other way around. But here Pierre wins too. 


Back with her

Mick and Lando dragged me to this club. I don't really wanna drink. I'm not feeling like having a great time right now. 


After a good hour in the club, where I have just been sitting in the VIP, while the others were drinking. I see Charles dancing with some random girl, is he really like that when he's drunk? I hear someone clearing their throat behind me. 

I look behind me to find Lando standing there. He looks in the same direction as I did. Lando takes up hand, making me stand up. "Dance with me. We can make him even more jealous." 

And trust me, we did.

Mick Schumachers twin sisterWhere stories live. Discover now