She's not dead

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With Mick

Finally she's coming back. All that time spend in Spain, is has been horrible. All for her recovery and for "Her".

With Emily

I move to Monaco to escape from my life in Spain. I have arrived early in the morning, at nice airport. Knowing that I'm going back to Monaco, where I spend all that time with "Him". It's difficult but I need to get back. 

It's one year since I have seen anyone else than Mick form the paddock, it is kind of strange. Knowing that everyone think that I am dead. But that was the easiest way.

I arrive at my apartment, with that one extra room. Knowing that I have to go grocery shopping, which I just do not feel like at the moment. So I call Mick. 

Calling: Micki❤️🏎.. ... ... 

M: Hello sis, everything alright? How are you two doing?

E: Yeah. I just need my sweet brother to grocery shop for me. We're doing great so far.

M: I will be at your place in 15 minutes. I love that we live so close now.

E: Me too, see you soon Micki.


My doorbell rings, I freeze immediately then I remember that I ordered some new things for this apartment, so it's probably those who is getting delivered just now. 

I walk down to the door, than I see him. He doesn't see me. He is still as perfect, but he looks tired and done with it all. 


Mick comes over with the food and then he drives me to my therapist in Nice. I still don't feel comfortable with driving on my own, since the accident. 

At my therapist, which is a new one, mine in Spain wouldn't want to to online sessions, so I had to get a new therapist moving here. But he seems nice and responsible.

My therapist asks me. "Are you a good liar, Emily?"

"Mhm, yeah. you have to be." I answer, not being proud of it. 

"Great liar?" He questions me.

"Yeah." I say, as I nod. 

My therapist tilt his head, a bit to the side. "What is the lie, everyone should watch out. That you'll be telling, if you want to disappear again?"

"I'm fine"

"Why did you tell the paramedics to call Arthur first, when you got hit and crashed?" He asks.

"I knew he would get the message around and my family would be able to get to me first. I mean my dad, my brother and my boyfriend are all formula one drivers or have been. I wanted them to be there, even if it meant that I wouldn't survive I wanted my last minutes with them."


2 days later


I saw him again. Surely that wasn't really Charles..but those eyes..his mouth. I know it's been year since I saw him. But I will never forget what he looks looks like, it have to be him. I know it is and I know he recognized me too. Because the second our eyes met, it looked like he had seen a ghost. Which I was to him.


With Pierre

I had heard that Emily is back. Charles told me that he saw her. I know that I can't tell Kika, before eI know if it's real or not. But I heard that she would be coming to the Monaco GP this week, so let's hope she does.

I walk around in the streets of Monaco, looking around at the beautiful buildings. I'm gonna move me and Kika here, I wanna raise my kids here with her. 

Suddenly I bump into someone. I look up at the person. It's "Her"..

Emil Schumacher is standing right here in front of me. With a stroller rocking back and forth in front of her. I hug her tightly, before looking down in the stroller. 

 I smiled at her. "You got a little one?"I'm so excited for her.

I watch her face turn pale. "Yeah, she's still young so. You can't charm your way into her heart just yet." She laughs politely, it's not her normal laugh.

I point to the baby. "Boy or girl? If I may ask?"

She takes the baby up from the stroller. "She is a girl."

We talk for some time, and the time runs fast, whenever you talk with her. 


With Charles

I read her goodbye note again, probably for the thousands time. I sit alone in the park, my thoughts taking over my entire head. That's when I feel someone sitting down next to me. I look to my side. 

It looks exactly like her. I look back down at the grass, it can't be. I must be seeing things now. I look up at the woman again. I is her hundred procent it is. 

I stand up, to get a good look at her. I feel the tears stream down my face, I walk through the tears to get close to her. "You're alive?"

She nods. "I am, Charlie. I'm alive and I don't plan on dying again. I love you Charles and I never stopped."

Then he woke up.....

Mick Schumachers twin sisterWhere stories live. Discover now