I love my fans but...

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Emilys pov

After dinner we went back to my parents house, to change clothes, so we could go to the club. It's just a 10 minutes drive, from the house. Which is not that bad. My car is only a two seater, the other boys took place in Micks car and Charles was left with the last seat in my car.

Have arrived at the club

The ride here was close so silent. I have no idea why but Charles was empty for words it seemed. As we get out of the car, fans are chanting for the boys. I continue my way into the club, as the boys stay here signing some stuff and taking pictures.

I find out table and decide to wait for them.

After 10 minutes

My patience have been used by now, so I order drinks for me. After I have taken the first couple of drinks, they start walking in. But not all of them, Charles is the only none still being outside. I shrug it off. Ordering some more drinks, also for the others now.

Charles pov

I'm stuck here. I would rather be in there, with her. My manager calls me, in the middle of me taking pictures and signing. I pick up on the call.

Calling: Manager🤨.. ... ...

We talk for 2 minutes, about some media stuff.

M: what are you doing?

C: Standing in front of a club signing things and taking pictures. I really need to get inside this club, but they won't let me through.

M: Charles, be nice. Give them what they want. 20 minutes more, then you can go.

C: I love my fans and their support, but I love her more. I need her right now.

My manager lets me. Telling me to just walk through.

"Sorry guys, I really need to get in. Thank you for all the support. Forza Ferrari."

I run into the club, trying to situate myself as quickly as possible. I need to find her, to feel her close to me. It's all I need.

I finally find their table, just to find her already being drunk. She doesn't look at me, she must be pissed that I didn't walk in with the others and stayed longer out there, instead of coming in here. I mean I would be too, especially if she was in my shoes. If she was the one who fucked up.

The next day - Micks pov

I wake up to the most beautiful sound. Yesterdays hangover, suddenly feels so light, listening to this. I walk into the living room to she Emily sitting in her Pjs playing. A beautiful song, which I have never heard before. I wonder if it's a new one.

I stand a kittel further back, so she doesn't notice me listening. A few minutes later Charles walks in, he is not hangover. He didn't even drink last night, he wanted to make sure Emily got home safely. I have never seen love like the one he has for her. It's crazy.

Carlos and Lando also walks in. The pictures form yesterday night came back, when we photographed the two together in the same bed cuddling. Carlando..

"She's playing again?" Carlos asked. Everyone knows she only plays at her concerts, she haven't played, since Micks first F1 crash.

Lando going the conversation. "I missed this."

I watch Charles look at her, with concern filling his face. "It sound sad though." We all look over at her, hearing her begin to sing.

"Till the end. And I'm sorry to my unknown lover, sorry that I can't believe. That anybody ever really starts to fall in love with me." Charles immediately remembers the song, from when she picked him up from the airport yesterday. "Sorry to my unknown lover, sorry I could be so blind."

Lando sighs. "Poor thing."

Carlos nods. "I wonder what broke her."

Her pov

I have just played my newest song on the piano, I hear some whispering, as I am done. I turn around to see the boys behind me. They all scatter from the living room, everyone but Charles. he sits on the kitchen table. I walk over there. "Well the guys just left the room but.. Breakfast?" Charles nods.

I start making breakfast, for everyone. Charles just sits there, looking at me, not saying anything, at all. I begin to feel bad, I have left him out of my life for too long. I just wanted to see how I would be without him, honestly I'm miserable.

"You know I love you, right." I say looking up at him. He just sighs. Shit, have I fucked up?

"You know... Everybody says "I love you" but please Em. You can live your life in any way you want, but I have to know that when you come home at night it will be in my arms you fall. If that's all I can have, then so be it. If it takes years then so be it. It's enough for me. You are enough. You can offer me pieces and I will cherish them all. I could spend a lifetime putting together this puzzle. You are everything to me, one day you will see that."

That shit made me cry. Just as I started to cry, from the words Charles has just unleashed. The others walked in.

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