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I haven't seen or heard from Emily, ever since she left to New York. But this time she left me her number on the night stand when I looked away, the note was typically her:

E: Here is my new number. Don't count on a answer/reply though. Xoxo.

This made me chuckle. My finger brushing over the print of her lipstick, she had left on the note. I saw on her social media, she is all over New York. She is going to do her instagram story, sharing some behind the scenes pictures of the picture for her album. They were good.

Some days later: On a call with her.

"I just need someone.. Someone who would like to be involved with this, you know and model for the campaign too?" I say.

"kay.. I'm guessing Charles? Well hello to you too."

"Hi im sorry, I-"

"I honestly thought you would have called me, sooner than this."

I chuckle. "Are you maybe. I don't know, interested in collaborating with me on the new Ferrari campaign?" I ask.

"I'm listening."

Her Pov.

I have spend hours getting ready. I know, I can't fully trust Charles yet, but I want to and them talking things out might be one step closer to him earring my trust. He begged to pick me up form my house, but I insisted on driving there by myself. He said he didn't care about the press but I do. 

I knew that even though everyone always wanted me and Charles together, if they find out the whole story about what happened last night, Which I know they will and see us together in his car the same day. (Her bestfriend) announced Charles broke up with her they would hate me and I would be called names all over the internet. Though what I didn't know was that they would see us at the restaurant anyways and everything I feared would come true.

I was nervous. I really was I didn't know what to expect. I looked at myself one last time in the mirror and posed for a photo to post to my instagram story before locking the door and heading down to the reception so the valley could get my car for me. 

I was chit chatting with the receptionist while I as waiting. I liked talking to people and letting them feel comfortable around me. Once u saw my car pull up in first of the large glass entrance I said goodbye to the receptionist thanked the valet and gave him 10 euro.

When I arrived at the restaurant I was relieved to see Charles hadn't arrived yet. People all over Monaco would recognize his car and would follow him here if I arrived with him and they would see me it wold be everywhere. The news instagram twitter literally everywhere. I didn't even know if there was going to be anything between me and Charles so I didn't want the "whole world" to know we went out together.

I stepped put of the car and headed to the reception of the restaurant where the kind lady led me to the exact table Charles was sitting at with his brother and his friends the first time we met. While I was waiting for him I started getting doubts and thinking about leaving but I quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I felt him place his hand on my back. I knew it was him, I just knew.

"Bonjour, Mon amour." Charles greeted me.

 "Hey." I said not knowing what else to say.

"Did I keep you waiting for long? I'm sorry if I was late." Charles asks me.

 "No not at all, I just arrived. Besides I was early." 

"I missed you." He whispered, while holding eye contact with me. 

"I know you did. And I missed you too." We ordered and food and continued talking just like when we first met. Before everything went down and before we both broke each others hearts unintentionally. It felt good I was laughing and I was finally really happy. 

Even if it didn't work out between us I know we tried. We didn't talk about what happened the past few months at all and I liked it that way. I came prepared to talk about it but I'm happy we didn't. 

We already told each other everything last night. Before I came, I felt like I couldn't trust him but now sitting here with him that feeling is gone and I don't know if that's a good thing.

Charles Pov 

I was admiring her all night her beautiful smile and laugh, her sooting voice and just her. I could tell she was happy, I was happy. We finally got to the point where we can just put the past behind us and focus on us and our future. 

In the back of my mind I know the media might not take it well, their going to hate her they will see us leaving the restaurant, and write horrible articles but I was willing to risk everything to protect her and her family's reputation. I am willing to risk everything for her but only her. 

I take her hand and hold it and all I said was "Thank you" 

"For what?" She asked slightly confused. 

"For everything, for giving me another chance, for making me the happiest man in the world, when I'm with you, and for everything else." At first she didn't know how to respond, she didn't say anything but she gave me the worlds best response I could ever imagine. 

She simply mouthed "I love you" and I did the exact same thing, so she would know exactly how much I love her and how much she means to me. Most people would say it was too early to say something so meaningful but we both knew it wasn't. 

I know, Emily and I are both not people who use those three words in a sentence together really often. Those are dedicated to very special people. I never said anything even remotely close to her best friend simple because I didn't feel that way about her but I knew I felt a strong deep connection with Emily. 

The media and everyone who doesn't know us, won't understand but that doesn't matter. It only mattered that we understood and we did. When we exit restaurant there was a hoard of paparazzi and fans waiting outside. I was walking a few steps behind Emily but as soon as I saw how they were harassing her I ran in front of her yelled at the paparazzi and shoved them away to protect her. 

I led her through the group of people to her car. I knew how easily it was for her to get panic attacks I felt it was my responsibility to protect her. When she sat in the drivers seat she closed the door and rolled down the window. I had my arms rested on the frame of the car window when she thanked me. 

"Of course, Mon amour, always. Call me, when you get home alright! I will miss you."

 "I will miss you too, Charly boy. I will call you."  I watched her drive off before I made my way through the crowd again to get to my car. I also drove off.

When I arrived at home, I got an incoming FaceTime call from Emily, just like we said. We continued to talk all night before we both fell asleep on the call. 

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