Her interview

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Charles's pov

Last weeks race wasn't what we wanted, any of us. My mind was somewhere else. But next race is Saudi, we WILL improve, we have too.

All of us drivers are sitting together in the press conference room, before the press gets here. Mick talked about some interview, Emily will have now, it's live. So he invited us to watch it in here, before the conference starts.

Mick knew she'd be asked something about her first time in the paddock, and stuff. So we all decide to watch it, together. Or I watch it for her, but they don't have to know that. I text her on Instagram.

CharlesLeclerc: Goodluck.

MilyScumi: Thanks 🙏

CharlesLeclerc: Be ready for our date on friday.

MilySchumi: Will do.

Emilys pov

I was doing my first ever interview on my own, I am so nervous. Here goes nothing. I walk into a room, full of cameras and a girl, who I think will be the one to interview me.

"Hello Emily. Are you ready?" I smile at the girl in front of me.

"Yeah, I think so." She nods at me, while finding her questions. She gives me at thumbs up, which means we're starting. The camera starts on her.

The interview

"She's priceless, drop dead gorgeous, The upcoming most famous face in the world. The hottest singer on the stage, and the cover of vogue Schweiz. The "It" girl, in Italy, Paris, Schweiz and Monaco. Her name is Emily Schumacher." The camera turned around to face me.

"So Emily, you have been famous since the day, you launched your first ever song. What can we expect in the near future?"

"Yes, my first song "Keeping me safe" topped unimaginably fast. It blew my mind completely. I have always been in the shadows, of some of the greatest sportsmen in this world. But I wouldn't want to be without that shadowing. Because it gave me time, to discover my song writing. I'm forever grateful for my brother especially. Mick has been my rock, whenever I didn't believe in myself, or whenever I doubted my talent"

"I think we have all have had multiple vibe's with your song, already. When do you release the next one?"

"Thanks, my new song will be available on all streaming services on sunday. So just after my concert in Melbourne." I smile and nod slowly.

"What is your new song about, if I might ask."

"You can. My new song, is a song for my beloved brother. He doesn't know the new song is to him. He does now." I giggle

"So, he's watching?"

"Yes, probably sitting in the F1 paddock somewhere. The twin feeling tells me he begged other drivers to watch this with him, so he wouldn't sit there alone. Which he could regret now."

"That sounds amazing. Do you have anything else in the works, right now?"

"I do actually."

"Can you tell us something about, this song also?"

"I can't tell much, mostly because I'm still in crossroads with this song. To write it or not, but I guess I will only know that a couple days before my concert in Melbourne."

"So, Emily you a star now. What about dating, are you seeing anyone at the moment?"

"Nope, I'm not."

"I think we all know, that you have had your paddock debut. At Bahrain with you brother. What was it like?" The woman asks me, I smile, nodding slowly.

"Yeah, it was more amazing than I imagined. The drivers are very nice and there teams too. All in all a very good experience."

"Did you catch some inspiration, when you were there in the paddock?" She asks me.

"I did, indeed."

Charles Pov

I smile at her answer, she's not dating anyone. Now I just have to win this race for her today. I really want to see her soon, Friday is not soon enough. I have to wait, I know. I just can't seem to get her out of my head.

I have to focus for this race. I need to win, for her, for this date to happen. What if I don't win?

My phone vibrates, with a unknown number. I pick up the phone. Something I don't normally do.

Call incoming : Unknown caller ID.. ... ...

"Who is it?" I ask.

"Oh, okay. Hey Golden Boy. Ready to win this race?" I know who is on the other end of the call. Emily Schumacher.

"Sorry, yeah I think so. I need to do so, to get my date, yeah?"

"Yeah, you do. Well, I just wanted to wish you luck. Call me after." I chuckle into the microphone of my phone.

"Will do, Bye." She hangs up, not even saying goodbye.

I save her number in my phone, right after so it doesn't disappear for me.

I want to win this race, as much as I want to win the Monaco Grand Prix. I will do everything I can, on Sunday to take her out.

Mick Schumachers twin sisterWhere stories live. Discover now