Her videos to everyone

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Emily made videos to everyone she held dear and bought all the tickets to up coming GP. So they could all be there.

To my dearest parents:

Mom and dad. Finally back in the paddock. You both love to be there, I know from all the stories you told me and Mick, when we were younger. This was your life back then, then it became Micks, then Micks and mine. Now It's just Micks. I hope he can be able to enjoy the paddock with you guys. I love you both, you did great things with your life. 7 time World Champion, dad. F1 Wag, mom. 2 great kids. What's not to like. On a serious note. I love you guys, until my last breath I do that. You have been incredible. I will admit.. Me and Mick weren't always the most well behaved kids around. Especially not when we were on vacations with the Verstappens. But thats another talk.

When I say. Feel the grief of losing me. I mean let it break your heart. How else will you learn to get over me, to let the pain soften and ease day by day. Besides how else do you think the ache will finally leave.

Thank you both for everything.

To Micki:

My dearest brother. Ohhh, how I love you... I don't feel like I'm leaving you behind. You have so many great people around you, in and out this paddock. There is no doubt you will forever be my favorite person. I know that the boys of the grid, will.. They will be there for you. Everyone around you will understand. But you won't feel like they do. I couldn't even start to imagine a life, were you are not in it. I couldn't live like that. But don't worry. I will still here. Everyday... Making sure nothing happens to you. I will watch every race, you're ups and down. I will watch when you find your perfect girl. When you get married and have kids. Not the juicy parts but you get it. I will be there for all of it.

Having you as my older twin is strange because you have known our parents for minutes longer than I. And because of that the fact that you're minutes older, you know all the ways I suffered. Then when I finally break in front of you for the first time, you pull me close into your arms and right there something tells me that you know my suffering, without me having to tell you. You understand me better than anyone. I still remember the day you decide to take on the job to protect me, be there for me and since that day you never left. You're more confident than I will ever be. You're always proud of me, you make me proud of myself. If nothing else was left in this world, I think you would have been what I was living for. I will never not be a child to you and that I love. I'm terrified to grow up, but I know in my heart, that in your eyes I never will.

And I know you need to hear this, so listen up.

I remember the day you changed your mind set. Being the reserve driver at Mercedes, this year gave you everything you needed. I know they will be ending up signing you with Charles. And as the reserve driver that will have Lewis. Because he can't let go. It was right then and there you started. You can attack everything. Fascinating. I'm fascinated. Cause you would be in these moments. At haas. I watched you put all the other drivers up on a pedestal. Like some fucking pedestal. And... you were this guy who was a piece of shit looking up at these other guys on that pedestal. Thinking or saying "Omg how are these guys so amazing, this is amazing." But once you worked your way up there. I remember you saying. "My god man we can all compete. Lets go." So did you like the suffering. In the way that is competitive. Yes. That brings out the absolute best in you and in the others.

Promise me you won't be sad or upset. Don't cry because of me, laugh because of me. Remember the good moment and the funny parts. I love you endlessly. Micki!

To Charles: The boy who stole my heart.

I have never said this and I have never felt this before. But from the moment I saw you, I knew you were worth the heartbreak. I knew you were worth the sadness and the pain. And the stress and the anger and the tears. Charles you're worth it all every bit of it. Even though I know that this may end badly. It probably will. But I wanted to try. I wanted to try even though I might end up falling apart.

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