Monaco with him

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We both go upstairs to Charles room. He stands before me. Charles looks at me and says "You need anything else then that, to sleep in?" He points at my clothes.

"yes please." He shows me his walk in closet.

"Take whatever you may need. I will wait in my room." He walks out of the room, giving me privacy. 5 minutes later I walk out. In some of his sweatpants and a shirt. He is not in the room. but I hear a silent voice coming from the balcony of the room. I walk towards the balcony. That's when I see him sitting on a chair out there in the pitch black. talking quietly to no one.

"Papa. Jules." He sniffed. "Thank you so much for sending her into my life. crossing her roads with mine. She really makes me happy, confident. she makes me the feel like I did before. Before I lost both of you. I race amazing again, which is all her doing." He cries silently. I walk up to him, putting a hand on his shoulder as I kneels down in front of him. He looks up from his hand, wiping the tears off of his perfect face.

"No, no dont wipe your tears for me. I think that right there was beautiful." I hug him, after I hold his face in my hands. "Please.. lets go in" I take his hand, as he easily follows me in. We both lay down in his bed. I hold him this time. We are facing each other. I caress his cheek. As I hold him I slowly fall asleep. but he doesn't..

Charles pov.

I watch her eye close slowly, while she holds my cheek. After some hours of not being able to sleep. I finally do.

The next morning:

Emily is still asleep. I don't want to wake her up. so I quietly get myself out of bed, to go downstairs. I make myself a coffee."You have always been an early bird." Someone suddenly speaks up.

I turn around to see my mother, standing behind on the other side of the table. "Morning. Couldn't sleep anymore"

I look towards the stairs wondering if she's up by now. God I miss her and I just left bed 10 minutes ago. "You really love her, don't you son?" My mom asks me.

I smile and shake my head. "Mom. I am so in love with her it physically hurts me.."

She laughs. "Oh yes.... I see it so clearly. She is a wonderful woman. Good choice son."

I walk to the other side of the table to hug her. Then I walk back upstairs, to see if she's up. I get to my door, but before I open it. I stop in my tracks, when I hear an angelic voice form the other side. "There is something about you. Cause if the whole world was watching. I would still dance with you. Drive highways and byways, to be there for you. Over and over the only truth. Everything comes back to you."

I try to walk in as quiet as I can. But she notices me.

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