The date

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I sit in my hotel room, waiting for Charles to pick me up. He texted me saying I should be ready at 7, which was 2 minutes ago.

Luckily Mick is out with Seb, so he won't realize me being gone for some hours.

As the thought was through my head, there is a knock on the door. I leap up from the bed, straightning my dress and opened the door, to see the most handsome man standing right in front of me.

"Hey Emily." He immediately says. In his mind. Oh my, she's beautiful.

"Hey Charles."

"You look beautiful, Emily." He says looking deep into my eyes.

"Thank you, Charles. You don't look too bad yourself." Charles smirks.

"Let's go." Me and Charles leave the hotel and he swerves through the streets, we arrive at a fancy restaurant.

"Oh, wow Charles. This place is stunning."

"I know, I used to come here a lot, whenever I would be in Melbourne, with someone. But I stopped coming here recently."

"Oh why? If you don't mind me asking."

"I always used to come here with my ex girlfriend. Since we broke up, I don't come here that much."

"Sorry for asking, Charles."

"No don't be sorry, it's okay."

"But if you stopped coming here after, why'd you bring me here?"

"Well, I thought now you might be around a lot, because of your brother. So I thought I should take you to my favorite restaurant. Plus, you're really sweet. I wanna get to know you."

"Thank you Charles, this means a lot to me. I am, you know, gonna be around a lot, my concerts in the future, is scheduled to be at the same place and time, as Micks races, so I can be there for him, and him for me. I also recently went through a breakup. I used to have a boyfriend, I thought he loved me, until he treated be poorly. Broke it off a couple months ago, but he's still out there looking for me."

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that Emily. Why would anyone ever treat a sweet girl like you, poorly?"

I smile. "Thanks, I guess he just used me, for his own good. Because getting with a Schumacher, was cool to say." Me and Charles spend the rest of the night talking and laughing. I'm starting to like him a lot, maybe even catching feelings.

"Hey Emily, before I drop you off at the hotel. Do you wanna go walk on the beach with me?" Charles asks.

"I would love to."

"Great." He smiles. Charles drives us to the beach, we go out and sit in the sand together.

"It was really nice getting to know you, Emily."

"You too Charles, thank you so much for tonight."

"No problem, at all." We sit here for 10 more minutes, before I get up, standing in front of Charles, reaching for his hand, which he gives me. There is distant music further down the beach. I start dancing with him, as he follows me lead.

He stops up, looking down at me, I catch his beautiful green eyes on me. "Can I kiss you, Emily?" I slowly nod. As he dives his head towards mine, places his soft lips on mine. For a few magical seconds, the world went quiet, till he stands back up, taking my hand, making me follow him to his car.

Charles drives me back to the hotel. "I will see you tomorrow for qualifying Emily, have a good night sleep."

"You too, Charles."

I walk into the hotel and straight to the elevator, I was only on the 3rd floor. So not that long of a ride. I reach my hotel room, walk in, then I see my brother sit on the couch, looking happy. I continue to walk to my room. Before he calls out my name

"Mily!" Shit. I walk back to sit down next to him. "So Charles, huh?"

"How'd you know?" He chuckles at me.

"Charles is a gentleman, he asked for my permission to take you on a date."

"Oh, okay."

"Admit it, you like him Mily!"

"I don't.."

"I won't tell anyone, come on, I'm your twin brother. You can tell me everything.!"

"Okay fine..I like Charles." Mick laughs, his eyes go to look behind me. "Why are you laughing?" I turn around.

There he stands, looking at me and smiles. "I like you too, Princess!"

Mick stands up "I'm gonna leave, goodnight you two."

"Night Micki." He leaves Charles and I behind.

"You forgot this in my car, thought you might like it back." He hands me my bag, I take it and places it on the couch.

"Thank you."

"Of course. I wish I didn't have to. But I need to get to my hotel room, gotta be ready for qualifying, tomorrow."

"You'll do amazing, I'm cheering you on from the Haas garage." He winks at me, before walking out the door.

This night, I try going to sleep, when I can't stop thinking about Charles.

Mick Schumachers twin sisterWhere stories live. Discover now