-Lunch Meeting & Party Plans-

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A/N: "Good Vibes" By HVRY 

Sophie's POV: 

"Good vibes that's what I like." I whisper sang to myself while I got myself ready for school. Listening to some good vibes to make my day great. Hopefully. But who knows how it could go. We are meeting the whoever "Lord Hunkyhair" is. Reminds me of someone. No matter. Putting on my black leggings then a awesome "Top Gun" shirt and white converse I was ready to go. 

"No negativity in my life, I only want good vibes." Again singing another line. I don't think I have the best singing voice, Keefe says otherwise. He says is the most beautiful thing he has ever heard. Grabbing the small bag of breakfast on the counter with a small note that Grady and Edaline had a small emergency at the clinic and needed be there. Apparently there was something going on with Verdi. 

Before I made it to the door Iggy my golden retriever and Marty my grey cat greeted me at the door for some goodbye snuggles. "See you later you two cute fuzzballs." I say petting Iggy and picking up Marty for some quick cuddles.  

I have no idea what's wrong with these too but they are literally BEST friends. Its hilarious. I love them so much. Marty was a birthday gift from Keefe before I was adopted. Then Iggy came along in the clinic but he couldn't be adopted. Got overlooked a lot. Poor thing. So he ended up here with me. 

Walking out the door down to the bus stop eating my breakfast at the same time. Bacon and toast. Oh I can't wait until lunch. 

-Time Skip: Beginning Of Lunchtime-

The bell finally rings and we are excused for lunch. I get a little shaky. We are meeting the new student who is a new member of our group. Getting in line for my lunch then suddenly......

"Out of the way nerd." Stina says pushing me to the floor. 

"Right on the floor. Where you belong looser." Stina giggles and leaves with her minions. I roll my eyes. She'll never let me live it down. The biggest nerd in the school. Not my fault I have a photographic memory. But Stina doesn't know that. I stand myself up and feel a sharp pain in my ankle. Great. Might have sprained it when Stina pushed me. 

Walking or rather limping out of the lunch room and down to the Healing Center, the place that I've been a GAZILLION times. Elwin even reserved a cot just for me since I here so much. 

"Hey Soph. Sit on your cot and I will be with you in just a moment. Got to go grab a delivery. When I get back you can let me know what happened this time." Elwin says greeting me. 

"Hi Elwin. Ok sure." I say sitting on my special cot. I pull out my phone and I see a few texts from Dex and Biana. 

-Dex: Inspector Gadget-

Dex: Hey. Where'd you go? 

Sophie: Sorry. Stina pushed me and I sprained my ankle. I'm down in the healing center. Might just have lunch here. 

Dex: Oh Stina. Sorry about your ankle Soph. Anyways we've met Hunkyhair. He's pretty awesome. Jokester too. 

Sophie: AWE Dang it I missed it. Is he going to come hang with us tonight? 

Dex: Yes. You can met him there. 

Sophie: Great thanks Dex. Alright got to text Biana. 

Dex: 👍

-Biana: Queen Sparkles-


Sophie: Sorry Bi. Stina pushed me again. This time I sprained my ankle. 

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