Chapter 4

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Zachs POV

I fixed my hair for about the fifth time. Tonight I'm meeting Kenzie's parents. I'm so nervous.

We've been dating for about 2 weeks now, and she's already met my mom and Matt. I really hope her parents like me.

I met this kid Ray two weeks ago and now he's basically my best friend. And it's Brooke's boyfriend. Small world.

Kenzie also has a friend named ivy, but her friendship with ivy is nothing like her friendship with Brooke.

I was fixing my hair, again when Kenzie called.

"Hey Kenz" I said through the phone.

"Hey zach, are you ready? My parents are ready to go." She said.

"Yeah. I'm coming now. See you in like 2 seconds." I said chuckling before I hung up.

I walked over to her house and knocked on the door. Wow, I'm so nervous. So many thoughts were going through my head.

Her mom answered the door with a smile.

"Hello, you must be Zach." She said shaking my hand.

"Yes, hello mrs. Lancaster." I said.

"Oh call me Lisa." She said. She's so nice

"And I'm Mr. Lancaster but you can call me Bill." He said, also shaking my hand like Lisa did.

Kenzie came down the stairs and we all got in the car and left. Her sister Abigail was at a friends house tonight.

The car ride was actually kind of awkward. About 5 minutes in I grabbed Kenzie's hand and locked her fingers with mine. She looked over at me and smiled,

"You look gorgeous." I told her.

"You're not too bad yourself Clayton." She said.

"Why thank you Miss Lancaster." I said and we both laughed. Her parents just did their own thing.


(At the restaurant)

"So Zach, do you have a job or anything?" Kenzie's dad asked me.

"Um yes and no. I broadcast on this website, it's called younow, and I get paid for it. It's not an actual job, but with the money I earn it all goes to my college fund." I told them.

"Wow you want to go to college? What for?" Lisa asked me.

"I'm not really sure right now. And as I get older and I decide not to go to college, maybe I'll use the money for an apartment. I really want to become an actor, but I'm not sure if that will happen. Only time will tell." I told her.

I was kinda surprised at myself. I was talking so proper.

We made small talk and then her parents paid. I offered to pay for my meal but they kept turning it down.

On the car ride home I couldn't help but think of what her parents are thinking about me.

We pulled up in the driveway and her parents went inside after saying goodbye to me. I walked Kenzie up to the porch, and hugged her goodbye.

"You did great tonight. Let's hope they like you." She said with a smile then leaned in. Our lips connected, then we moved them in sync.

From behind us we heard someone clear their throat. It was her dad.

"Kenzie lets go." He said to her. I walked back home, and went to sleep, hoping that they liked me.

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