Chapter 37

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I walked into my homeroom and sat next to Brandon like I did everyday. It's been about a month since school has started, and so far it's been good.

Zach absolutely hates Brandon, but he can't pick who my friends are. He's been getting close with this girl named Alexis, but I can't choose his friends either so I'm okay with it.

Okay, I'm not okay with it, but still.

"Hey Kenz." Brandon said with a smile.

"Hey Brandon." I smiled back at him.

"How was your weekend?" He asked.

"It was fine, I was pretty much with Zach the whole time."

"Cool." Brandon said trying to hide his jealousy. I'm not trying to be conceited or whatever, but I really do think he has a thing for me. He compliments me on literally everything.

"By the way, you look nice today."


When I walked in the cafeteria, Alexis was already sitting next to Zach in my spot. They were really close too.

"Alexis, this is my seat, can you please get up?" I asked her with a fake smile.

"You can sit somewhere else for today." She said rolling her eyes at me. I looked at Brandon and he shrugged his shoulders.

"No, this is my boyfriend. Can I please sit there?" I said about to loose my temper.

"No you don't need to be around your boyfriend 24/7. Go get some friends."

"I actually do have friends, you fucking bitch." I said and stormed away. I found the only open table and sat there, followed by Brandon and Brooke.

"Kenzie what just happened?" Brooke asked me.

"That fucking slut Alexis won't let me sit next to Zach." I told her.

"High five!" Brooke said holding up her hand. I high fived it.

"I'm gonna go sit next to Ray, but if she starts talking about you, I'll text you what she says." She said.

"Thanks Brooke! This is why we're best friends" I said to her before she walked back to the table.

"I didn't know you had it in you." Brandon said to me.

"Had what in me?"

"To call Alexis a bitch to her face like that." Brandon told me smiling.

"I'm not scared of her. Zach is my boyfriend. There's no fucking need for her to sit next to him and sit so close. Like I literally had to move tables. Who does that?" I said to Brandon, almost freaking out.

"Babe calm down. It's just for today." He said.

"Please don't call me babe." I muttered under my breath.



Next period came finally. I walked to my class, Brandon and I going our separate ways. Zach was already sitting down when I got to the class. My assigned seat is right next to him which sucks.

I sat down and he tried to talk to me. I ignored everything he said to me. I'm extremely pissed about what happened in lunch.


I walked out of my last class and went to get on the bus. I went to where I always sit, with Zach, and guess who was in my seat? Alexis.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I said out loud as I passed them and went to sit in another seat. Luckily Brandon was on the bus. He sat next to me but I couldn't talk. If I did, I knew I'd break down.

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