Chapter 21

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quick a//n

What's 9+10?
What's 9+10?
Suck my ass
Suck suck suck my ass
Like bruh, bruh

-omg throwback 😂 who else misses the 21 rap? But I just had to, it's chapter 21... Anyways enjoy the chapter ☺️


Kenzie's POV

I  looked over at Shawn and our eyes met. I looked into his beautiful brown eyes, as he looked into my blue eyes. He walked up to me and I was excited. Here comes my idol.

"Hey I'm Shawn. You're Kenzie right?" He asked me. HOLY SHIT HE KNOWS MY NAME!!!!

Okay, I know what you're thinking, she has a boyfriend, wow she's a whore. But no, he's my idol. Who's idol knows their name?

"Yes, that's me haha." I said.

"I've seen your videos, you're funny. Oh and you can sing really well. I'd love to write a song with you sometime." He said and smiled at me.

"Oh my god, yeah that would be amazing. I'd absolutely love to!" I said smiling right back at him.

"Um, would you mind showing me to my room?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, let me just go tell my boyfriend."


Shawn's POV


She's taken?

Damn. I can never get a nice, pretty girl.

Here she comes, act natural Shawn.

"Alright, let's go." She said as she led me to the elevator.

When we got to the right floor she took me to my room. She told me it was right next to hers.

"Alright well if you need anything I'm right next door." She said starting to walk away.

"Wait," I said and she turned around to face me.

"Thank you, you're really nice and pretty." I said.

"Aw thank you Shawn. You're not too bad yourself." She said.

I started to lean in and so did she. Our lips were about to touch when she pulled away.

"Shawn, I can't do this. I have a boyfriend." She said taking a step back so we weren't so close.

"I'm sorry I don't know what got into me." I said blushing.

"I have to go. Bye Shawn." She said and walked back into the elevator.



Kenzie's POV

I walked into the lobby and saw zach sitting next to some blonde. I shook it off and walked to the bathroom that was right down the hall. I splashed some water onto my face then looked at myself. Damn, I wanted to kiss Shawn, but I'm with Zach. I love zach. And as much of an idol to me Shawn is, I wouldn't mess up my relationship for that.

I walked straight to the elevator without even going over to zach. I'm exhausted and I just need a nap.

The elevator stopped on our floor and I got out, I got out my key to the hotel and walked in. I heard some noises coming from the bedroom area.

There were moans coming from the room.


I opened the door and saw Zach having sex with that blonde girl!

When they saw me they immediately stopped and covered themselves. Tears just rolled down my cheeks.

"Babe, it's not what it looks like." Zach said.

"Really? Cause it's exactly what it looks like. Don't ever speak to me again! We're done!" I screamed at him and grabbed my suitcases.

I walked out of the room with all my stuff while zach was struggling to get his clothes on and follow me. I knocked on shawns door and he opened immediately.

"Oh my god, what happened, come in." He said hugging me and pulling me into the room.

I was trying so hard to speak, but I couldn't because the tears were coming out too fast.

"Shhhh, it's okay." Shawn said rubbing my back.

"Zach, my boyfriend," I started. I paused and more tears fell down my cheeks.

"H-he cheated on m-me. He was having sex with another girl in our room." I managed to get out. After listening to myself say it, I cried harder. I never once thought Zach would ever cheat on me.

Shawn didn't say anything. He just wiped away my tears with his thumbs and hugged me tight.

"You can stay with me. I don't have anyone sharing the room with me anyways." He said to me.

"Thank you so much Shawn, this means a lot." I told him.

I pulled out my phone and I had missed calls and texts from Zach.

1 new tweet notification from @bruhitszach

@bruhitszach: I fucked up. Big time.

Yeah, I get notifications when he tweets. I turned it on when we started dating. I decided to tweet something.

@KenzieLancaster: never did I think I'd see you do that to me.

Then, he replied to my tweet.

@bruhitszach: @kenzielancaster I'm sorry. I messed up. We all make mistakes.

Yeah, but cheating isn't a mistake. It's a choice.

I didn't tweet that though. I don't want to make everyone hate him. Although he would probably be treated like a god for cheating on my.

@ShawnMendes: @bruhitszach @kenzielancaster Zach, leave Kenzie alone please. You're making everything worse man.

Oh great, shawns in on the action now. But, I'm thankful for Shawn.

@Bruhitszach: @shawnmendes @kenzielancaster um, wtf bro, she's my girlfriend. back off

@ShawnMendes: @bruhitszach @kenzielancaster um don't you mean ex girlfriend. I'm pretty sure she broke up w/ you. & don't tell me to back off. I'm the one comforting your girlfriend after your dumb ass 'mistake'

After that, Zach didn't reply. Hopefully he realized how wrong he was. Or he was fucking that blonde slut again, either way, I didn't care. We're done. I tweeted out one last thing before I fell asleep. I typed it all out then took a screenshot of it and posted it.

@KenzieLancaster: yes, as you all know, me and Zach did break up. he fucked up. Like he really fucked up bad. Just please, stop tweeting me about him. It makes me even more upset to keep seeing his name in my mentions. If you want to know what happened, ask him. I shouldn't be the one to tell you all. His mistake. He should tell it. I'd also like to say thanks to Shawn, for being here for me. You're amazing Shawn. Thank you. Goodnight everyone.

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