Chapter 28

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I opened my eyes and Zachs arm was around me. I tried to grab my phone but I guess I woke him up.

"Good morning beautiful." He said and I blushed.

"Good morning handsome." I said back to him. I went to sit up but he pulled me back down.

"Five more minutes of cuddling?" He asked me and I gave in, because who doesn't like cuddling.

"I never thought I'd be this lucky." He said looking up at the ceiling.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm so lucky to have you in my life. I love you Kenzie."

"Aw Zach, I love you too. And I'm even luckier to have you." I told him nuzzling my face into his neck.

"So not true." He said and started tickling me. I laughed so hard, because I am very VERY ticklish.

"Zach.... No.... Stop... Tickles.." I said in between laughs.

He finally stopped and I caught my breath.

"Asshole." I said to him and stuck out my tongue.

"Babeeee I'm sorry."

"Okay." I said. I can't hold grudges. I'm going to give in any second. So, I went to him and kissed him.

"What do you want to do today?"

"Well, I'm going to go home and shower, then get dressed for our date this afternoon. So I suggest you do the same. Dress casual." He said, kissed me, then left.

I wasted no time. I hopped right into my shower, and washed my whole body. I shampooed and conditioned and used face wash.

After my shower, I got dressed into my casual attire. Since its May, I decided to wear light wash jeans, with a t shirt and light blue vans.

I blow dried my hair, then straightened it, putting a bandana in my hair when I was done. After my hair I did my makeup. I did the usual, mascara and eyeliner, with concealer.

I looked in the mirror and was very satisfied with myself. Right as I finished there was a knock on the door, so I just assumed it was Zach, grabbed my phone and some money, put it in my back pocket then walked downstairs to the front door.

I pet Emily on the way out. She's gotten so big.

"Hello gorgeous." Zach said when I opened the door.

"Hello Mr.Clayton, where will we be going today?"

"Well, Mrs. Clayton, I was thinking dinner and a movie?" He asked.

"Sounds good, but Mrs. Clayton?"

"I want to get married to you someday. Hopefully you feel the same. If you do, then someday I'll be able to call you Mrs.clayton." He said smiling at me. I couldn't help but blush.

"I love you, and I want to get married some day too." I said and pecked his lips.

"So there's this restaurant near the movie theater, so we can just take an uber there. I already got one, so it should be here soon." He said.

A couple minutes went by and the uber was here. We both got in and the driver took us to the restaurant. I tried to pay, but Zach wouldn't let me.

We ate then went to see a movie, then his mom picked us up and took us back to his house. Zach wanted to go swimming to I ran home to grab my bathing suit.

I put it on and walked into his backyard where Zach was waiting for me.

"Sup buttercup" he said and I giggled.

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