Chapter 34

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I put on my black dress that I had bought specifically for this day. I looked in the mirror and sighed, holding back all my tears.

I didn't bother putting on makeup. I'm going to be crying, so what's the point?

I fixed my straight hair one last time and walked down to the limo that was taking us to the funeral. (If you didn't know, the immediate family of the person who died rides a limo to the services).

When we got there I held Zach's hand tightly. Never in my life did I think that id be here, at my sisters funeral.

The casket was open and there was a line of people to go see Abigail. On a tv screen, there was a slideshow with a whole bunch of pictures showing from the time she was born, to just a couple of days ago.

Zach and I got in line with all the other people.

"Zach." I whispered.

"Yeah?" He said looking into my sad eyes.

"I miss her so much." I said looking down at the ground.

"I know baby. We can get through this." He told me then pecked my cheek and squeezed my hand that was still intertwined with his.

It was our turn to go up to the casket. The second I got up there I started balling my eyes out.

Abigail looked as she always did when I saw her. She was wearing her favorite outfit, leggings and a PINK long sleeve shirt. I have the same shirt. She also had her favorite uggs on.

I stared at her. I couldn't stop. I don't want to see my sister not breathing.

"Abby, please come back. Please please please I can't do this without you. ABIGAIL PLEASE COME BACK!" I screamed the last part and got stares from everyone else in the room.

Zach tried pulling me up but I shoved him off of me.

"Leave me alone." I said to him and walked out of the room outside. I sat down on the curb outside.

I let the tears run down my face. I sat out here for about 30 minutes until my mom came and got me. It was time for me to give my speech.

"Hello everyone. Um, thank you all for coming out today. Um, it uh- it's a hard day for us all. I wish we weren't sitting in here right now. Abigail was the best sister ever. Sure, we got into arguments, but we still loved each other no matter what. Now that she's no longer here, I wish I didn't fight with her as much. I wish I could've done something, so that she could still be alive and happy. I was so stupid to not realize that she wasn't - that she wasn't happy. But one thing I know, is that she's up in heaven and she's okay. She's looking down on us. I know that she doesn't want us to be so sad. She wants us to be happy and celebrate her life, not cry over it. But we can't help it. I try everyday to stay strong for her. But now that she's gone, something inside of me is gone too. Abigail, I love you and miss you so much and I can't wait until I see you again." I said and walked off the stand. Everyone started clapping.

I took my seat next to my mom and Zach.

"I'm sorry about earlier." I said looking down at my hands.

"It's okay, I understand that you're hurting." He told me. He looked into my eyes and smiled. I pecked his lips and held his hand.


The burial was beautiful. Her casket was beautiful. We didn't get to watch them lower it, but that was a good thing. I would've completely lost it.

At home, I went right up to my room with Zach and we took a nap.

That nap was very much needed. I woke up and I was in a better mood.

When I woke up Zach was still asleep. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of him and posted it to Instagram:

Thank you for everything Zach. I'm so glad I have you, especially at a hard time like this. I love you so much. @bruhitszach

I got likes immediately and everyone was commenting

'Zach looks hot as fuck!"

Or something along those lines.

I put my head on his chest, and closed my eyes. Falling back asleep to the sound of his beating heart.


Sorry for the short chapter!

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