Chapter 31

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Zachs POV

"Babe?" I said to Kenzie while sitting on her floor

"Yeah?" She asked.

"I need to make a you now. Should I make it here or go home?"

"Stay here silly. I'll just stay away." She said barely smiling.

"But I want you to be in it." I told her.

"Zach, no. They hate me. I can't, just no."

"Babe, it will be fine. C'mon." I said to her and she came and sat down next to me. I grabbed by iPad, went on younow and hit the broadcast button.

"Hey wassssssuppppp!" I said pretty loudly.

The comments started rolling in.

What is the slut doing there?!
I bet they just fucked

"Alright guys, that's enough. Jesus fucking Christ. If you can't accept my girlfriend, then you can't accept me. Feel free to leave this broadcast, because I couldn't give two shits. But at the end of the day, I know who my true supporters are." I told the viewers. Kenzie looked up at me then at the screen.

"I don't understand why you all hate me so much. Yeah, I've made a mistake. But the thing is, I'm not the only person who has made a mistake. We all make mistakes. Me and Zach did some things. Yeah, but I don't think you guys should be concerned about what goes on between us. I cheated on Shawn and that was such a bad mistake. I should've just broken up with him. I know. But I didn't. I made a mistake and I'm fucking sorry." She said then getting up and going into her bathroom. She slammed the door shut.

"Well, I'll be back on later.maybe. Bye." I said to the broadcast then ended it. I went into her bathroom and she was on the floor crying.

"I just don't understand." She said with her head on her knees.

"I don't understand how they hate me so much. I make a couple mistakes and the whole fandom is against me. I fucking hate this." She told me, whispering the last sentence.

"I know. But they're gonna hate on any girl that any famous guy is with because they want to be you. Kenzie they're jealous of you. They're jealous of your gorgeous blue eyes, and light brown hair. They're jealous of your body and your smile. Everything about you makes them jealous. I love you. That's all that matters. Don't listen to their words, listen to mine. I fucking love you McKenzie Lancaster." I told her and wiped her tears away. I kissed her lips and she told me that she loved me too.

"I have to go home now, but I'll be back tomorrow to come with you to your appointment. Love you, and I'll see you tomorrow." I said to Kenzie and walked back home.

I just really hope her appointment goes well tomorrow, but there are so many things that could go wrong. I don't want to loose her. Ever.


Kenzie's POV

After Zach left I got in the shower. I washed my hair, and conditioned. Then I shaved and washed my body. The only thing my mind was on was those comments.

Once I got out of the shower I put my hair into a braid, put on a sports bra, and Nike shorts.

I grabbed my phone and decided to go on Twitter.

@kenzielancaster: I don't want my life to be like this.

I started getting instant replies.

(Fake usernames)

@Zachsbae: kill yourself.
@nicksbean: You mad cause we all hate you?
@cashnd5quad: Sluttttttttttt
@5quad4life: You don't want to live like a slut anymore?

I decided to reply to @nicksbean

@kenzielancaster: @nicksbean no, actually I'm not mad anymore. I'm chillin

@nicksbean: @kenzielancaster yeah right. I bet ur crying like a baby. go attempt suicide again pls

@kenzielancaster: @nicksbean go join a different fandom pls 😊 but keep telling me to kill myself.. very mature

@nicksbean: @kenzielancaster I might not be mature but at least I'm not a fucking whore like you.

The next tweet I wanted to type was too long, so I typed it in my notes then posted the screenshot.

@kenzielancaster: that's the problem with all of you. You all say I'm a slut or whore, but I'm not. Having sexual intercourse of some sort with someone you absolutely love, and know you'll be with forever isn't being a slut. It's calling feeling mature enough to lose your virginity. The one thing you can never get back. And yeah, I'm glad I gave mine to Zach. Sure, I made a mistake and cheated on Shawn. But everyone makes mistakes. It was a HUGE mistake. I know. And I'm sorry. I do t know how many apologies it would take to make you all not hate me so much, but I can't change your feelings about me. I can't do that. Whether you like me or not, at the end of the day we're all human and we ALL make mistakes.

After tweeting that out, I logged out of Twitter and decided to go to bed early. Tomorrow is my first chemo treatment and I am NOT excited whatsoever.


I woke up, and looked over at my phone. 10:02. My appointment is at 12.

I got up and went to the bathroom and brushed my hair. I got my straightener and straightened it, pinning back the two front pieces with a bow. For my outfit, I picked out a shirt that says "who needs sleep" and some light jean shorts. For my hair I put it in a braid. And I'm wearing navy blue vans.

"Kenzie come on, Zachs here." My mom called from downstairs. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs. We all got into the car, and went to the hospital where the first treatment would be held.


The chemo lasted for about two hours. They took my blood again, then put a needle in my arm that had the medicine I guess. They told me that this treatment went good and they will have results by next week.

Once we got home, my mom left for work. It was just me and Zach.

"Let's make a YouTube video!" Zach said smiling really big.

"Zach, your fans hate me." I told him truthfully.

"I don't think they hate you. Again, I honestly think they're just jealous. Even if they do hate you, I don't hate you. So come on let's do this shit!" He said and got his camera from his house.

When he came back, we filmed the smoothie challenge, and it was so gross.

"Zach I wanna do something risky. I want to have some fun. Dangerous fun." I told him. With this leukemia I don't know if I'll die from it or not. I want to have fun with my life and take risks while I still can.

"What do you want to do?" He asked me.

"Wellllllll, let's get drunk." I said to him and he looked surprised.

"Not that kind of fun Kenzie, you already got busted for it before." He told me.

"Alright fine, then let's just go to a party. And if there's drinks, I'm drinking!" I told him smiling big.

"Kenzie I don't know about this."

"Zach loosen up. You don't have to go if you don't want. I'll just go, I don't mind. And if you do go, you don't have to drink or anything. It'll be fun." I said to him and he smiled back at me.

Finally, getting to live my life with some risky fun.

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