Chapter 39

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"That song... It was so perfect." Zach said looking at me smiling.

"Thank you, it means a lot." I said and returned the smile. I sat on his lap and put one arm around his neck.

"Did you know that I love you so much?" I asked.

"Did you know that I love you so much more?" Zach smirked and kissed my lips.


A few hours have gone by and me and Zach have been laying around all day.

My YouTube video with Zach has gotten 500,000 views already and so many people are talking about it. MTV tweeted about it, and other people too. It made me so happy to think that I wrote this song and all of these people love it.

About 2 months ago they all hated my guts and wanted to murder me. I'm glad that the supporters are accepting me again. I honestly never thought it would be like this again. It makes me so happy.

- Monday

My alarm started screaming at 5 am. I eventually got up and curled my hair. Today I decided to dress cute. I put on a pair of Nike leggings, a denim button up shirt and my white converse. I did more makeup than usual today and I braided hair around the back of my head and lightly curled my hair.

After I brushed my teeth, ate breakfast and did everything else, I grabbed my bag and walked to Zachs. His mom was going to drive us to school today because she doesn't have to work until later.

When Zach and I both stepped out of the car, I felt all eyes on us. Every single person was staring at us.

"Zach." I whispered. "I know." He replied back to me.

I took Zachs hand and held it in mine. I only focused on him at this moment. Only him.

We got closer to all the people and that's when they started asking a bunch of questions like some crazy paparazzi going after a celebrity. We are not celebrities.

"How did you write the song?" "Zach was that your real voice?" "Are you guys like famous now?"

I groaned and walked into the building. I went straight to my homeroom since I already have everything I need for my classes.


The day went on with people just non stop asking questions about the song and how much attention it's gotten from the media. I haven't really had time to think about anything because everywhere I go is someone with an unanswered question.


I plopped on my bed. It's been a rough day. Zach laid next to me on the bed and kissed me. "Rough day too huh?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"So many people either wanted an autograph or wanted to ask me a question today and it was kind of exhausting." I said and turned towards Zach.

"Yeah, I feel you. Who knew one song would make everyone go absolutely crazy?" Zach said and I nodded my head.

My phone started to ring after a couple seconds of silence.

"Hello?" I said into the phone. I put it on speaker so Zach could hear too.

"Hi is this McKenzie Lancaster?" The voice said. I recognize it. I just can't put my finger on it....

"Uh yeah! Who am I speaking to?" I said kindly.

"Ellen." The voice said. No way..

"Like, the Ellen? The one on tv? Ellen Degeneres?!" I said. Well, almost screamed.

Ellen laughed on the phone.

"Yes this is Ellen from TV."

"Oh my god, hi! I'm such a big fan of your show!" I said fangirling. Zach had a huge smile on his face.

"Aw thank you, but I'm an even bigger fan of your new song with Zach! You guys did amazing." Ellen said.

"Thank you." Zach and I both said in sync.

"Oh good, you two are together right now. So, I have a question for you both.. Would you guys like to join me on the Ellen show on Friday?" Ellen asked and my heart stopped.

"Oh my god" Zach said.

"Yes!" I shrieked. I love Ellen so much, this would be an honor!

"Okay good, so I'll send you all your information and your tickets and everything else you'll need. I'm gonna take care of it all." She said and I smiled so hard.

"Thank you so much Ellen!"

"You're welcome. Can't wait to see you both! Bye." She said and then hung up the phone after we also said goodbye. Zach and I looked at each other, completely shocked.

I called my mom immediately to tell her.

"Kenz? You okay?"

"Yes mom everything's perfect. GUESS WHAT?"

"What Kenz?"

"Ellen, the one from TV just called! ME AND ZACH ARE GOING ON THE ELLEN SHOW ON FRIDAY!" I screamed and so did my mom. She told us she was happy for us and we deserved it. We said our goodbyes and we hung up. Zach also called his mom and she freaked out just like my mom. My mom told my dad too.

"Zach I can't believe this." I said. I could not stop smiling.

"This is actually happening Kenz, were meeting Ellen, fuck were gonna be on the Ellen show!" He said and kissed me passionately.

"I love you so much!" He said and kissed me again.

"Zach I love you too!" I said and hugged him as tight as I could. Without Zach I would be nowhere near where I am today. It's all because of this one boy who stole my heart.






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