Chapter 17

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Kenzie's POV

When I got home, I grabbed a snack from the pantry, and went upstairs to my room. I grabbed my laptop and looked at YouTube videos.. I haven't made one in a while.

I then, logged onto Twitter and sent out a tweet.

@kenzielancaster- hey guys! So sorry for no YouTube video lately. but I'm about to film one now, so send in questions! It's a Q&A!

Almost immediately I started getting tons of replies and questions. I set up my camera then hit record.

"Hey guys, it's Kenzie, well obviously. And today I will be answering your questions that you sent in from Twitter. So let's just jump right into it."

"First question, what do you see yourself doing in the future?" I thought about it for a second.
"Well, I hope I can be doing this. Making YouTube videos, and making people happy. But I'd like to be an actress someday, but that's everyone's dream. So, yeah." I said into the camera.

"Question #2, how are things with Zach? Were you upset when you met his girlfriend?"

Oh lord. I don't know if I should be completely honest with this answer..

"Things are good with Zach. We're friends. Ummm. Was I upset when I met his girlfriend? Uh, yeah actually I was. I don't know why, but I had this thought that we would get back together right away when I came back from Cali. But that wasn't the case, obviously. But they broke up. I feel bad, because it's probably my fault."

"Anyway, uh next question. Will you ever start making younows? I don't know. I would like to. It seems fun. And Zach has definitely inspired me. So maybe."

"What's your Instagram? My Instagram is @KenzieLancaster just like my Twitter."

I answered a couple more questions. Before I was done I got a call from Zach.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey, your still filming your video right?" Zach asked me.

"Uh, yes. Why?" I asked him, becoming very confused.

"Put me on speaker please and make sure to keep this in your video." He said and I put him on speaker.

"Kenzie, I've loved you ever since I've laid eyes on you. There's something about you that pulls me in. I'm so happy to have you in my life. So, I have one more question for your video... Will you do the amazing honor of being my girlfriend?" He asked and I was stunned. A huge smile spread across my face.

"Of course." I said grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh, and one more thing." He said. A knock came from my bedroom door and in came Zach with a bouquet of roses.

"Zach!" I said and flung my arms around his neck.

"I love you so much, and I've never stopped loving you either. You're all I thought about in Cali and I'm so glad to be yours again." I said into his neck.

We separated from the hug and he put his hands on my cheeks, cupping them and leaned in. His lips connected with mine, and all I felt was fireworks throughout my whole body.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I said and hugged him again.

I forgot about my camera and it was still recording so we both sat down in front of it.

"Well, thank you guys so much for watching, this was definitely a surprise, and it was amazing. I couldn't be happier. I hope you all have an amazing day, and I will see you all soon. Bye" I said and stopped recording.

"That was very clever Clayton." I said with my hand locked with his.

"Why thank you, Miss Lancaster." He said in a British accent, which caused me to laugh.

"I should probably get home now, since I basically ran out of my house to get over here. I'll see you at school tomorrow. Bye, love you. And make sure to text me!" He said walking out of my room after kissing me.

I couldn't stop smiling. My life is finally coming together. I was thinking that Zach and I would never be together as a couple again, but I was wrong. I'm glad I can call him mine again.

@kenzielancaster- this is definitely a YouTube video you will NOT want to miss!!!! 💘💥


Sorry for the short chapter! But I'm already working on the next chapter. That just seemed like a good spot to end the chapter.

So thanks for reading this chapter.

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Kenzie and Zach are goals! 😍

Wattpad isn't letting me upload this. So I'm gonna keep trying.. Anyone else having this problem? It's annoying.😑
-Emily 😈

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