Chapter 16

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Zachs POV

When I got home I went straight to my room and laid down. I don't know what to do.

I love Kenzie. I always have. But, I love Arielle too. Arielle was here for me when Kenzie wasn't.

I guess it's my fault though. I'm the one who broke it off with Kenzie the day I left. I should've at least tried long distance with her. But me, being the idiot I am, didn't. I took the easy way out, which actually was the hardest.

My phone interrupted my thoughts. It was Arielle.

A: hey! want to hang out soon? I miss you babe :(

I pushed the thought of Kenzie to the back of my mind.

Z: yeah sure. Come over in a little bit.

I fixed my hair and waited for her to get here.


"Hey babe!" She said after I let her in.

"Hey," I said and pecked her lips.

"Wanna watch some tv?" I asked her. She nodded her head and we went to the couch.

"Does that girl Kenzie like me?" She asked out of no where. No warning. Nothing.

"Um I don't know. I'm not so sure she even likes me." I said honestly. Well, the last part was honest. I know for a fact that Kenzie doesn't like Arielle, simply because she's dating me.

Sure, that sounds self centered, but it's true. Kenzie's face dropped when she saw Arielle.

"Oh. I just thought since she's your ex she would try to get you back." Arielle said.

"Yeah. I don't know." I said dully.

"Zach why are you acting like this? You were fine until I mentioned Kenzie."

"Acting like what? I'm fine." I lied.

"Zach seriously what's up." She said.

"I don't know if I can do this."

"Do what?" She said curiously.

"Date you."

"You don't know if you can date me? You've been dating me for the last 3 months. How could you not know?" She said obviously hurt and annoyed.

"Please right now isn't a good time." I said to her.

"No Zach. It's a perfect time. Why the fuck did you say that you don't know if you can date me?" She said on the verge of tears.

"Because I love Kenzie!" I said yelling a bit. A tear fell from her eye, down her cheek.

I feel bad. I really do.

"You don't love me?" she said quietly.

"Arielle I-" I started but I couldn't finish because she cut me off.

"No Zach save it. Goodbye." She said walking right out the front door.

"Shit." I mumbled to myself.


Kenzie's POV

- next morning

I woke up at my normal time, and got in the shower. I got out and put on black leggings with a pink long sleeve shirt, with black and white vans. My outfit looked pretty cute so I was satisfied.

I straightened my hair again, then put on my normal makeup. I went downstairs, said goodbye to my mom and started walking to the bus stop. I'm not very hungry this morning so I just decided to skip breakfast.

As I walked past Zachs house, he walked out the door, but this time he didn't try to stop me. He just kept to himself.

I got to the bus stop and stood there with Brooke. We made small conversation, but Zach was on my mind. I want to know what's wrong. But with the way I've been acting I doubt he would tell me.

When we got on the bus Arielle and Zach didn't sit together. Zach actually sat by himself. And I felt really bad.

"Ty I'll be right back." I said getting up from my seat and walking over to Zach. Our bus driver is really cool, so she doesn't care what we do.

I took a seat next to him and he looked up at me, with pain in his eyes.

"I know you probably hate me, but I can't stand seeing you like this. What's wrong?" I asked him. He hesitated, but he started talking.

"Arielle broke up with me," He said quietly.

"And I don't hate you. I never could. I never would." He said.

"Why'd she break up with you?" I asked. He was quiet.

"Was it because of me?" I asked feeling guilty.

"Kinda. But it was because of me," he started.

"I told her... That.. I love you." He said looking straight into my eyes.

"Oh" was all I could get out of my mouth. I felt like I was frozen, but I was mainly just shocked.

"And I do. I've loved you since the day I left to now. Hell, I even loved you when I first met you. I knew you were the one for me, but I let you slip through my fingertips. Then you were gone. I didn't answer your calls because I thought you'd already moved on. I thought thT maybe you hated me, and didn't want anything to do with me. And I definitely thought it was true when I came home and you weren't here. I thought you left because you never wanted to see me again." He said. The truth finally came out.

I didn't know what to say, so I just gave him a hug. I held him tight, hoping to fix his broken heart.

"You know, you're all I thought about in California. I tried to move on, but I couldn't. I still can't. Because I love you too." I said.

He leaned in, but I didn't. As much as I wanted to kiss him, he just got out of a relationship.

"Arielle just broke up with you, you're gonna need some time." I said and smiled at him. I kissed his cheek and we pulled up at the school.


Ah, the last bell.

Today was a much easier day, because of the fact that Zach and I made up. I'm so happy that I have him back in my life. He makes me happy.

I don't want to lose him again. Ever.

I love him.

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