Chapter 41

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I opened my eyes to see Zach's eyes staring right back at me.

"Well hello gorgeous." I smiled and kissed me.

"Hi. What happened last night? Did we really-" I started to say but Zach cut me off.

"Yeah we did and it was great." Zach laughed.

"Oh my god I don't know what got into me. I guess my hormones we're going crazy." I laughed and so did Zach.

"Well today's Thursday, which means we go on the Ellen show tomorrow. Do you want to shop or do anything special today?" Zach asked me.

I thought for a minute. There's so much I want to do but we have until Monday so we'll have time.

"Let's go shopping. I need an outfit for tomorrow." I said and got up. I brushed out my hair and put it in a messy bun and threw on some leggings and a cardigan with a tank top underneath. It's still winter but in LA the weather is pretty crazy so yeah.

As I was waiting for Zach to get ready I sent out a tweet. We never told the fans about being on Ellen!

"@kenzielancaster: okay guys Zach and I have a huge announcement! we're going shopping in a bit, so I'll get on younow rn! be there Bc this is HUGE!"

I got on younow and waited for some people to get on.

Zach was in the bathroom getting dressed so I walked in there with the broadcast.

"Babe I don't have pants on!" Zach laughed and hid in the shower.

"Oops." I laughed. "Get some pants on so we can tell them our announcement!" I sat in the bathroom to where they couldn't see pants less Zach.

I wanna see Zach without pants😍
Kenzie is so lucky she gets to see what's under his pants!
Show us Zach!

My eyes were wide from reading the comments.

"Zach they wanna see you without pants." I laughed and looked over to him, he now had pants on and walked over to where they could now see them.

"Sorry guys it's reserved for someone." He smirked and my mouth was wide open.

"Oh my god." I said with wide eyes while laughing.

Zach is so open about his sex life😂
No chill Zach

"Anyways, Zach would you like to tell them the announcement?" I looked at him and he smiled.

"Okay so tomorrow we are going to be on the Ellen show!" Zach screamed.

"So wherever you live, make sure to tune in to see us with Ellen!" I said. I still can't believe this is actually real.


They were all so supportive. It really made my heart melt.

"Thank you so much for your support, it makes us really happy." I said and put my head on Zachs shoulder.

"Okay well we're gonna go, because we need to go get some outfits to wear tomorrow, but we'll be back on later. See you guys! Bye!" Zach said and I ended the broadcast.

I got shoes on and we said goodbye to our parents and walked to the mall. It's not too far from our hotel, so why not walk?

"Zach this is real. We're gonna meet Ellen freaking Degeneres tomorrow! We're going to be on TV!" I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

"I know baby, it's a dream come true." He said and intertwined his fingers with mine.

We approached the mall and shopped for hours. We went into many stores until we both found the perfect outfits. We also met supporters and took pictures with them. It was so nice meeting them, they were all so adorable and kind.

We decided to get an Uber back to the hotel since it was getting dark. We are dinner at the mall so we wouldn't have to worry about it afterwards.

When we got back to the hotel our families came into our room and we talked about tomorrow. They'd all be sitting front row.

"I'm so proud of you guys." My mom said and she started to tear up.

"I just wish Abby was here." I say and my eyes start to tear up. Zach squeezes my hand and gives me a look that says I love you.

"Sweetie, she is here. She's looking down on you smiling at how far you've come. She's proud." My mom said and I lost it.

I started to ball my eyes out right then and there. Zachs parents and brother Tyler gave me looks of sympathy.

"I need some air." I said through tears.

I went to the roof of the hotel and just sat up there for a bit. Zach kept calling me but I didn't answer.

I stood up and walked to the railing and looked up at the sky.

"Abigail, can you hear me? If you can I want you to know that I miss you.. A lot." A tear rolled down my cheek. "I want you here. I want you here with me right now. I always think about you. Thinking about how things would be different if you didn't.. you know. But why? Why? Maybe you're in peace now, but what about us? Mom and dad lost a daughter. I lost my only sister. You were my bestfriend. Why couldn't you at least say goodbye?" I said and started to cry a bit harder. "Why couldn't you say goodbye?" I screamed out into the city. "I wanted a goodbye." I whispered to myself.

I got back into the elevator and went to my room. When I got there Zach was pacing.

"Kenz where were you?" He said concernedly.

"I said I needed air." I said with no emotion.

"Well I'm glad your still okay." He said and pulled me into a hug. At first I didn't hug back, but then I did and buried my head into his neck.

"Thank you. What would I do without you?" I cried.

"I don't even want to think about what I'd do without you."

The One | Zach ClaytonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon