Chapter 11

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I put on the last of my makeup and looked at myself in the mirror again. I was wearing a wblack lace skater dress with black vans. I know, classy right? Haha I hate heels with a burning passion, so there's no way in hell im wearing them all night.

I got my purse ready then stuck the weed in, and walked over to Zachs house after saying goodbye to my mom.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked Zach with a smile as he opened up the front door.

"Yep. Bye mom, bye Matt." He said as he shut the door to his house. We decided to walk since Ivys house isn't far and because it's nice out.

"So I might be with Ivy a lot during this party so don't worry." I told him. I sounded like a total bitch but I wanna get my high on.

We got to her house and there were already a lot of people here. We went inside and I went over to Ivy and Zach was right behind me.

"Hey girl ready to get h-"

"Happy? Yeah I'm ready to get happy." I said hoping she would get the hint.

"Uh Zach go find Ray and Ty, I know they're here. I'm gonna hang out with Ivy for a little bit." I told him and he walked away slightly confused.

"Did you bring money?" She asked.

"Yeah. But I forgot the pipe." I told her.

"It's okay. We're probably just gonna share again." She said.

We went up to her room and there was some teenager in here. He looked about 18.

"Buying weed?" He asked me and I nodded my head.

I handed him money and he gave me 3 little bags.

He left her room then Ivy and I sat on the floor across from each other. She put the weed in the bowl, lit it, then we started to smoke.

I was already feeling stoned after the first hit, but I took about 2 more. We ate the munchies then went back down to the party. As we were walking downstairs we bumped into Brooke.

"I've been looking for you guys! Um are you okay? Why are you're eyes glassy and red? Don't tell me you're-" she started.

"High? Yeah I'm fucking stoned." I told her. She got a worried look on her face then scurried back down the steps.

Zachs POV:

I was talking with Ty when Brooke basically ran down the steps.

"Zach. Zach, Kenzie is stoned." She said. What? Kenzie? No way. She's too much of a goodie goodie to do anything like smoke weed. I shook my head in disbelief but then I saw her stumble down the steps.

"Zach babe lets go walk on a roller coaster. Then we can slide down a mountain on bikes!" She said. I looked at her eyes and they were almost bloodshot. She's fucking stoned.

"Kenzie I need to get you home." I told her.

"NO! I don't want my mom seeing me high as fuck. Let's have fun!" She screamed and threw her hands in the air.

"No. You can't stay here." I told her.

"Zach stop let me stay." She pleaded.

"Fine but you need to take a nap." I told her and she agreed. We went up to the guest bedroom and she fell asleep.

It was about 3 am when she woke up. She seemed okay, so we walked back home. She grabbed her purse and we started to walk.

"Zach I'm sorry you had to see me like that." She said to me.

"Why'd you do it?" I asked her.

"Because I like it! And there's nothing you can do about it! I like weed and I'll smoke it all I want." She told me.

"But I don't want you to. Kenzie it's illegal if you haven't remembered. Marijuana is an illegal drug." I told her.

"And I don't give a fuck." she said.

We got to our houses then departed.

No kiss.

No goodbye.


Kenzie's POV

When I got into the house I put my purse on the table then headed up to bed.

I hate how Zach acts like he controls my life.

Whatever. I dropped it then fell into a deep slumber.

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