Chapter 42

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I opened my eyes and looked at my phone. 9:00 a.m.

I walked to the bathroom and did my business. I feel better than I did last night. I was a wreck last night. But it's okay to cry sometimes. Right?

I went back out to the bed and put my head on Zachs chest. I listened to the sound of his beating heart.

"Good morning babe." Zach said stroking my hair.

"Good morning." I said back to him and kissed his lips.

"Today's the big day, how are you feeling?" Zach asked me.

"I'm okay. Better." I smile.

"Good. Now let's get ready, we have a big day ahead of us."


I looked in the mirror one last time before it was time to leave. My hair was curled perfectly. My makeup wasn't too much, just a simple eye look. I wore a peachy lace dress along with a denim cropped jacket (LA weather is crazy) along with some white vans. (DAMN DANIEL) I decided to not wear heels because I don't want to be uncomfortable.

I looked over at Zach and he was wearing a pair of denim jeans and a grey long sleeve shirt and white vans just like me.

"You went with the white vans too?" I giggled and he looked at my feet.

"Yup." He laughed and we walked out the door.

In the car I was on Twitter the whole time.

"@kenzielancaster: we're almost there! wish us luck! & thank you all for getting us here, love you❤️"

We all got out of the car when we arrived and walked into the studio. My heart was pounding with every step I took.

"Kenzie and Zach?" We heard and turned around.

And there she was. Ellen Degeneres. Holy shit.

"Oh my god hi!" I said to her with a huge smile on my face.

"Hi! You guys look great! Ready for the show? It starts in an hour so make yourself comfortable. There's some food right over there if you're hungry. You guys will be the last to make an appearance on the show, but you guys will have the most time. Sound okay?" She asked and we smiled.

"Sounds perfect. Thank you." I told her and she walked into her dressing room.

I took out my phone and took a picture of all the food and posted it on Twitter.

"@kenzielancaster: Ellen is freaking amazing! And so is the food!"


The first guest was out there with Ellen filming the show. We didn't even know who it was, and honestly I tried to not think about the show because I didn't want to get nervous.

After a little bit, the guest came back and the second guest went out. We were third.

"Thank you so much Ellen." The first guest said. The voice was really familiar. No. It can't be.

The mystery person walked closer and I got a glimpse of their face. No freaking way.

"Justin Bieber?" I asked and I felt my insides jumping up and down.

"Yeah, that's me. You must be McKenzie? Ellen was talking about you and Zach earlier. Nice to meet you." He said and held out his hand. I took his hand and shook it.

The One | Zach ClaytonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora