Chapter 27

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-1 week since Kenzie came home-

"When's the last time you uploaded a YouTube video?" Brooke asked me, while sitting on my bed on her phone.

"Oh god, um, I actually don't remember." I told her honestly. I think my last video was a cover.

"Can we do the best friend tag?" She asked me and i smiled at her.

"Yes! Now what happens if we get the question wrong?" I asked Brooke.

"Hmm, pie to the face?" She said and I nodded. I picked up my wallet and we went downstairs to ask my mom if she could drive us, and of course she said yes.

We bought 16 pies. The store was about to throw them away, so they just gave them to us when we told them what we were doing.

When we got back to my house I set up my camera outside. It wasn't too cold, since it is April.

I grabbed a bench for us both, then put all the pies on the ground in front of us. Then I hit record.

<< bold italics is Kenzie , italics is Brooke >>

"Hey guys, so I'm back. It's been a while. But uh, im not so sure how many people will actually watch this, since 90% of the Internet basically hates me, but oh fucking well. Anyway, today I am here with my best friend," I said and pointed to her.


"And today we are going to be doing the best friend tag, or whatever but we're making it a challenge. We each have a set of questions to ask the other and if they get it wrong they get a pie to the face! So let the games... BEGIN!"

"Okay Brooke, my first question to you is, what is my favorite color?"

"Easy, purple." She said with a smirk.


"My turn, How long have I been dating my boyfriend?"

"Oh, um. Uhhh a year?" I asked completely guessing. She nodded her head.

The video went on and I got a pie to my face 5 times and Brooke got one pie smashed to her face. Overall, it was a great time, and these are the things I cherish the most.


3 months later

I looked at myself in the mirror one last time. I am happy with the way I look. My hair was curled, I had on mascara, eyeliner, foundation, and some blush and bronzer. For my outfit I had on a white dress that had flowers on some parts of it, and it went above my knee, and for my shoes I wore white pumps.

The reason why I'm so dressed up is because we're surprising Zach.

His mom told him that they were going out for dinner, to celebrate them being back. So Zach texted me telling me that we could see each other tomorrow but little does he know me, my mom, Brooke, Ray, Ty, and some more of his friends, Robert, Javeon and Devon will be there.

God, I can't wait to see him, it's been so long. Too long.

And I've gained some followers and supporters back. Shawn never apologized to me. Which I don't expect him to anymore. Maybe I deserved it, but oh well.

My mom called me downstairs, knocking me out of my thoughts. I grabbed my phone and purse and got into the car with my mom.

We all are going to the restaurant early, so it can be a full on surprise. We rented out the back room of the restaurant so we don't have to worry about all the other people around us.

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