Chapter 10

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Today's the day. The day that my father and Abigail are moving to California.

They loaded their stuff into the moving truck and I just sat there. Abigail hasn't talked to me since last week, when that whole fight went down.

Zach tries to comfort me, but it doesn't work. I don't understand why all this had to happen to me. I've been through so much.

"Okay Kenz, we're gonna be leaving soon. Go say goodbye to your sister." My dad said walking over to me.

"She doesn't want to say goodbye. She doesn't care about me anymore. She wants nothing to do with me." I said with tears threatening to spill.

"Just go." He said.

I walked over to Abigail.

"Don't. Don't bother saying goodbye." Abigail said just as I opened my mouth to say something.

"Abigail what's gotten into you?" I asked her.

"Nothing's gotten into me. Nothing. But I don't want you to say something that'll make me want to stay. Because I don't want to be here in Texas. I fucking hate Texas with a burning passion. You don't understand what I feel. I'm sorry that I'm leaving you, but this is what I want to do. At first I didn't want to leave, but now I do. And you're not gonna stop me. Bye Kenzie." She said and got into my dads truck.

Tears flew down my cheeks.

"Goodbye Kenzie, come visit us soon. Love you." My dad said and hugged me. Then he got in his truck.

And just like that, they drove away.

Away from their hometown.

Away from their family.

Away from me.


"Kenzie wake up." I heard as someone shook me awake. That someone was Zach.

"Come on, let's do something fun today." Zach said.

"Let's not and say we did." I said then closed my eyes again.

"Kenzie it's been a week since they left. You can't mope around your whole life. You have to get out of bed sometime." He said.

"And I am. I'm hanging out with Ivy later." I said. My mom doesn't want me hanging around ivy too much. She says she's a 'bad influence' but she's fun.

"Fine. Call me tomorrow so we can make plans. I love you." He said.

"I love you too."


"Hey girl!" Ivy said as I walked into her house.

"Hiiii ivy" I said.

"How are things going?" She asked me.

"Um not so good. I've just been so stressed lately." I told her.

"I know something that'll help with the stress." She said and smirked.

I was getting a little scared. She went upstairs and told me to follow her. She went into one of her drawers and pulled out two little bags. They had something green in it. I really hope it's not what I think it is.

"Uh what's that?" I asked Ivy.

"Weed. Let's get high. Call your mom and ask to spend the night." She said and I did. I'm actually kind of scared though. I'm 14, and I'm gonna smoke weed.

As I called my mom, she ran downstairs and grabbed a bunch of junk food. Like Cheetos, Doritos, chips, anything you can name.

"Here are the munchies." She said. The munchies?

I feel like an idiot. I don't know anything about weed and I'm probably just making myself look stupid.

Ivy pulled out something she called a 'pipe' afterwards. She put the weed in the bowl and took a lighter and then lit the weed.

"Okay so inhale for about 20 seconds then exhale, but try not to cough." She said. I nodded my head. I'm actually getting excited.

She did it first then handed it to me. I inhaled then exhaled. I was already starting to feel a great sensation.

"Again again let's do this shit again!!" I said sounding like a little kid. Ivy chuckled.

"Seems like you're getting high already!"

She handed it to me and I did it again. I'm gonna get so fucking high and I don't give a fuck.

I did it again right after. The world was spinning. It was amazing. I love this feeling.

Ivy started opening the food and she was having trouble. It took us forever to open it. We started eating our asses off.

"Let's smoke some more" I said out of no where.

Ivy put more weed in the pipe and lit it, and we started to smoke again.

"Where the fuck did you get this shit I want some" I told her.

"I'll give you some to take home" she said to me after she exhaled.

I only did it once this time because I did it three times last time. It's only 4 hits in total, but I think it's too much.

After eating some more munchies we went to sleep.


I was the first to wake up in the morning. Ivy was dead asleep. I woke her up and she smiled.

"How was your first time smoking weed?" She asked.

"Great actually. Let's do it again sometime." I said. I really like the feeling it gives you. My stress was gone last night. And I still feel good today.

"Wait where are your parents?" I asked her.

"They went on a cruise. They'll be gone for the next month. Which reminds me, I'm throwing a party on Saturday. And there will be weed, so bring money if you want some. In the mean time, I'll give you a bag and my extra pipe." She said.

She got a plastic bag from the kitchen and put my weed in it.

"Thanks Ivy. This takes away my stress so much." I said. I stuck it in my bag and my mom called.

"My moms here. I'll see you Saturday." I told her and hugged her.

I walked downstairs and outside and got into my moms car.

"Have fun?" She asked.

"Yeah, we watched movies all night." I said lying to my mom.

"I used to love when me and my friends were in high school and we watched movies all night." She said to me.

Soon enough we pulled up to our house. I put my stuff down in my room, hid the weed then got ready and went over Zachs.

I was wearing black shorts with a white crop top that had lace on it.

I knocked on his door and he answered.

"Hey babe, how was Ivys house?"

"It was good. It got my mind off of Abigail. I'm okay now." I said. Thanks to the weed.

We went up to his room.

"So Ivys throwing a party on Saturday. You should come with me." I told him.

"Uh yeah sure. But you hate parties. Why do you want to go all of a sudden?" He asked me.

"I don't know. I just feel like it." I told him. And I also want more weed.

I feel like this weed is good for me, yet bad. I want to smoke again and take away the stress. I'm not addicted and I know that for a fact. I'm not gonna smoke again till the party.

But for some odd reason, I've felt the need to change myself. Ever since Abigail left I feel bad. Like I smoked weed last night! I like being bad. I like it a lot.


Okay so idk if I'm keeping this chapter. I feel like it sucked so much. But Kenzie wants to be bad. What do you think she'll get herself into?


The One | Zach ClaytonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin