Chapter 15

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He has a girlfriend...

And it's not me.

"Um hi Arielle." I said not wanting to accept the fact that they're dating.

"Hi Kenzie." She said smiling.

Why the fuck is she smiling like that.

I looked down at my plate and started moving the fork around. I have no appetite anymore. I'm trying so hard not to cry.

"Uh I don't feel so great. I'm gonna go sit outside for a little bit." I told everyone then excused myself from the table.

I went into their backyard and sat on their porch swing out there. I gazed at the sky, thinking.

I can't believe Zach moved on. And he didn't have the fucking nerve to send me a text.

A tear rolled down my cheek. Then another. And another.

I heard the back door open, so I quickly wiped away the tears on my face. It was Zach.

"Why are you crying?" He asked. You should know.

"Oh nothing. It doesn't matter." I said looking down at the ground.

"It's about Arielle isn't it?"

"Ding ding ding. Correct." I said to him.

He sat down next to me and put his hand on my thigh. I pushed it off my leg.

"Kenzie, you weren't here when I came back. You were on my mind the whole tour, and I come back to hear that you've gone to California. So I had no choice to move on, because I didn't know if or when you would be coming back." He said.

"But the thing is, you haven't tried to contact me at all. If I was on your mind you would've texted me back, or called me back. And you didn't. You left me waiting and waiting and there was fucking nothing. Just go back inside. Arielle is probably waiting for you." I said. I'm actually slightly annoyed that he said I was on his mind. Bullshit.

"I don't care. I want to make things right with you."

"Well, they won't be right again. I'm going home. Bye Zach." I said walking away from him and inside.

"Mom I'm going home. I'm really tired." I said.

"Are you sure? You look upset." She said.

"Nope. Perfectly fine." I said looking back at Zach. I said goodbye again then left.

Instead of going home, I went to Brooke's house. I texted my mom and told her where I was.

I knocked on the door and her mom answered, she was about to say my name, but I put my finger up to my lips, signaling for her to be quiet.

"Where is she?" I whispered to her.

"Upstairs in her room." Her mom said then gave me a hug.

I ran upstairs and opened her door, she was sleeping.

"Brooke. Wake up. Broooooooke" I said and she was beginning to open her eyes. Once they opened all the way, she screamed and gave me a huge hug.


"Oh my god I've missed you so much!" I told her.

"How was Cali?"

"Eh it was okay. But I'm glad to be home." I told her.

"So have you seen Zach?" She said in a more quiet tone. I nodded my head.

"So I guess you met Arielle." And I nodded my head again.

"You know she's not that bad, she's actually really nice." Brooke said.

"I just don't like her." I said honestly.

"You just don't like her because she's dating the boy you love." Brooke said.

"Yeah I guess you're right. I should probably head home, my mom doesn't want me out too late. See you tomorrow. My mom enrolled me at school. Bye." I said and started to walk home.

So it seems like everyone likes Arielle except for me.... Great.



My alarm clock woke me up at 6 am. This is something I definitely haven't missed.

I picked out some skinny jeans, a sweatshirt I got in California, and black vans. My outfit was simple, but it was still cute.

I re straightened my hair, then put on mascara and eyeliner just like every other day. I brushed my teeth then went downstairs and got my black jansport backpack on. I grabbed an apple and ate it, then said goodbye to my mom and walked down to the bus stop.

Zach walked out of his house at the same time but I kept walking. I did not want to talk to him right now.

"Kenzie! Wait up." He said but I kept walking, but faster. I finally got to the bus stop without talking to him and Brooke, Ray and Ty were all here. I hugged Ray and Ty and the bus came. Arielle was at the bus stop too sadly.

I got on the bus and sat next to Ty, because Brooke sat with Ray right in front of us. And guess who sat in the seat next to us? Zach and Arielle.

Zach and I were both on the outside. He kept tapping my shoulder the entire ride. Finally, I've had enough.

"What!?" I said annoyed.

"Why won't you talk to me?" He asked. Oh my fucking God.

"Figure it out. Please stop touching my shoulder." I said.

He got quiet. We finally arrived at school and I went to the office to get my schedule.

After I got my schedule, home room was over, so I went to my first period. And Zachs in here. This will be a long day...


It's now lunch, which is my last period thank god. I have every class with Zachs except for the class right before this, 7th period.

We don't sit that close in most classes though, so it's alright.

I found Brooke in the cafeteria and took a seat next to her. Ray and Ty soon came over, along with Zach and Arielle who decided to sit right across from me.

I turned to Ty and started a conversation with him. Lunch was over soon enough and we got on the bus and finally headed home.


OOPS! I guess the upload didn't work yesterday haha, but here's the chapter from yesterday. So sorry! Expect a chapter tomorrow!


The One | Zach ClaytonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt