Chapter 18

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Kenzie's POV

I uploaded the footage from my camera to my laptop, so I could edit, but my mom called me downstairs for dinner.

There was a pizza box on the table.

"Yes! Mom you are the best!" I said, which earned a giggle from her.

"I try, I try." She said.

We sat down and started eating pizza.

"Oh my god I almost forgot! Zach asked me out again!" I said once again smiling ear to ear.

"Aw, honey I'm happy for you. I'm glad you two can be together again. I hope it works out." She said.

"Yeah me too. I'm just scared. I know he will be going on tour with Digi soon, and I just don't want him to leave me again. Because who knows what could happen." I said to her. Which was true, he might totally forget about me again.

"When is he going on tour with Digi?" My mom asked me.

"I think he said April or May. But he said it might be a weekend thing. Like he will fly out for the event, then fly back for school. Hopefully that's the case." I said honestly.

"It'll be okay, Hun. I love you, and why don't you head up to bed." She said. I looked at the clock and it was only 7.

"Mom... It's 7."

"Oh.. Then go do whatever. I have to go to my work real quick, so I'll be back soon." She said and I nodded and went up to my room.

When I got to my room, I opened my laptop back up and started editing the video. It had to be perfect.

About 2 hours later I was done editing. My mom got home 30 minutes ago. She basically just screamed that she was home from downstairs.

I hopped in the shower, and washed my hair with shampoo and conditioner and used my favorite body wash. All while listening to Shawn Mendes and Jack & Jack.

After a couple songs, and me soaking up the hot water, I got out and got changed into spandex shorts and a sports bra.

I braided my hair, then walked out of the bathroom that's in my room.

"Kenzie! Come downstairs I have something for you!" My mom said from downstairs.

I walked downstairs and right when I got to the bottom, a tiny German shepherd jumped on my leg.

"Here's the new edition to the family!" My mom said smiling at me. I bent down and started petting the adorable dog. She was so cute.

"When did you get her?"

"Like 45 minutes ago.. I didn't actually go to work Kenz, I wanted to surprise you. I know how much you love dogs, and I thought we needed one." She said.

"Mom she's adorable, I love her! What should we name her?!" I asked.

"I don't know, it's up to you. But here's the bed I bought, she can sleep in your room if you want." My mom said and I took the bed and brought it up to my room.

The dog followed me up the stairs, but had some trouble getting up them. I put her bed down, and she didn't even look at it. She jumped onto my bed.

I laid down next to her, and soon enough, fell asleep.



My alarm clock screamed at me, and the doc was going crazy. I started petting her and telling her it's okay, but I doubt she understood me.

The One | Zach ClaytonWhere stories live. Discover now