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"Stir 5 times, clockwise then wave your wands to complete the potion," Professor YG reads out and keeps his notebook aside

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Stir 5 times, clockwise then wave your wands to complete the potion," Professor YG reads out and keeps his notebook aside.

I slowly stirred the potion along with the other students. Clockwise, the liquid started turning purplish. I signed and then looked out of the window. The weather wasn't that favorable. Clouds splitting everywhere and low thunders arising.

Year 2nd at Hogwarts. (They were 13)

I held V's cuff in my hand as I dragged him around the different booths. They were all lit up with big signs and bright lights. I gasped and started walking faster every time I saw something interesting, and he would groan.

The school was doing a carnival fundraiser, and the courtyard was transformed into a maze of games, people, and weird food. The senior students were the organizers.

I had never been to a carnival, so I made V go with me.

He wasn't enjoying it, but I was having the time of my life.

The smell of potently sweet candy made my heart hammer and my mind craze in the best way possible.

We were leaning against a wall after we got ice cream.

"V?" I asked, taking a spoon from the cup.

"Hm?" He hummed, taking another cookie that sat on top of my ice cream.

"Get your own ice cream," I said.

"No, I'm Good," he finished his cookie and dusted his hands.

I initially slapped the back of his head and he took another cookie. I groaned and he gave me a mischievous smile.

When I finish my ice cream, I start dragging him again. He rolled up the sleeves of his jacket, so I held onto his wrist. I accidentally lowered my hand so that I was clutching his hand instead of his wrist, but before I could do anything about it, we ran into Jennie. She glanced at our conjoined hands and smiled. I wanted to kill her.

Anytime V would remark on her, I would squeeze his hand- hard. After the first two times, he started squeezing my hand back, and I had to suppress my hisses of pain.

Jennie showed us her photo strip from the photo booth. V said something about how unphotogenic Jennie was, so I dug my nails into his hand, and his arm jerked before he kicked me.

I glared at him, hating his triumphant smirk. Jennie said goodbye to us, glancing at our hands again- not knowing that we were both trying to break each other's bones.

Then, I gave him an innocent smile as I seized his wrist again. I listened to him curse me out, laughing at some of his insults.

I stopped outside of a photo booth, and he gave me a weird look.

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