19: Distance

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Scarlett's words rang in Lizzie's head all week. Even whenever she was alone with Y/N, she would be thinking about what Scarlett said. So Lizzie tried her best to distance herself from Y/N. Saying she had plans whenever Y/N asked her to spend time together.

This didn't go unnoticed by Y/N. She could tell that Lizzie was pulling away from her. She just didn't know why.

She would even catch Lizzie talking with Tom Hiddleston. One of the guys from the football team.

"He has a crush on her you know." Seb said as the three of them watched the two from afar.

"Everyone knows Lizzie and I are dating." Y/N spoke confidently.

"Well, you have barely spent any time together this week." Anthony stated. "So maybe people think it was just a fling." The three watched as Tom caressed her arm. "Ooh he's going in for the touch."

"I really want to kill you sometimes." Y/N told him.

"Just like your mum." Anthony smirked. Y/N just punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground before walking off.

"That was a low blow bro." Seb said as he tried to follow Y/N but she was too quick. Lizzie caught sight of Anthony on the ground, holding his bloody nose in his hand.

Y/N made her way outside in the parking lot. Her breathing was increased, as she could feel the tears in her eyes.

"Aghhhh!!" She screamed as she kicked her car.

"Kid, that will take you out of the opening game of the season if you get an injury." Coach Hamilton spoke as she approached Y/N. "Come on." She beckoned for Y/N to follow her. Leading her to her office and giving her the gloves again. Doing the same routine as before. "I'm not going to tell you to talk to me because let's face it. That shit doesn't work at all." She said as she signalled for Y/N to start punching. "Just punch it out and if you find it in you talk then I am here to listen. This is a safe place kid."

Y/N then spent most of the day in Coach Hamilton's office. Linda made sure that Kathryn was notified and her missed work was sent to her office.

"Where is Y/N? She wasn't in any of her classes today?" Scarlett asked Lizzie.

"What?" Lizzie asked schocked.

"When was the last time you two actually spoke?" Scarlett asked her best friend.

"Monday or Tuesday I think." Lizzie answered her.

"Seriously?!" Scarlett scolded her. "So who have you been talking to since you haven't been speaking to Y/N or me."

"Tom." Lizzie shrugged as they walked home.

"Hiddleston?" Scarlett asked as Lizzie nodded. "You do know he has a crush on you right?"

"No." Lizzie answered her. "I am not really one to think like that."

"Well he does and of Y/N knows of it, which I am pretty sure she does." Scarlett scolded. "I am sure she is hurt Liz. She has changed everything about her. Everything and you go and do this."

"It isn't like I have cheated on her Scar!" Lizzie yelled, getting irritated by her best friend. "Anyway, I thought you hated her too."

"I don't hate her. I used to hate how she was but seeing you two together. Seeing how happy you both make each other." Scarlett sighed. "She really really likes you Lizzie and she doesn't like people easily."

"What do I do?" Lizzie asked her.

"You need to talk to her." Scarlett said. "If you really care for her, you will work this out between the two of you."

Changes (Lizzie Olsen x Fem GiP Reader)Where stories live. Discover now