hombre araña | stephano carillo

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your pov

today was my nephew's 7th birthday. he is obsessed with spiderman. we've been looking for a specific plush for the past 4 hours. his party was in two days and we couldn't find it anywhere. this store was our last shot.

"mira solo queda uno." i reach for the spiderman plushie but am met with someone else's hand instead. i look up and see a guy with curls he looks over at me and smiles as he takes the plush and walks away. i turn to my sister who stared with a 'wtf' face. i rushed after him. "oye puedes dejar que me lo lleve es el cumpleaños de mi sobrino y esto era lo único que quería." he smiles again and shakes his head no.

fucking asshole.

"ándale no seas así. ya buscamos en tres tiendas esta era la única que tenia este." he shrugs and goes to pay it. i turn to my sister who was looking at me with a 'do something' face.

i follow him to pay and try to stop him to no avail. he walks out the door with me behind him. "y para quién es el juguete?" he turns smiling and points to himself. you gotta be kidding. he swing the bad around and walks cheerfully to his car. i follow behind him. "te pago dos veces lo que costó." he stops in his tracks. i move and stand in front of his door not letting him in his car. he smiles again. not a man of many words.

"como te llamas?" i ask him slowly push my weight on his car. he smiles again. "stephano..." we stay quiet for a while. until he moves closer to me and breaks the silence. "sabes que si me das tu número té doy el juguete." i look at him surprised. i feel my cheeks burn up. this is the most he's said. all of that for this. i give him my number and he gives me the toy.

it didn't take long for him to start messaging me and slowly but surely i got butterflies every time i saw his name.

stephano <3
cuando te puedo ver otra vez hermosa?

cuando me envites a salir

stephano <3
no se diga nada mas
tengo un partido este fin de semana
quiero verte echando me porras

stephano and i would finally see each other after almost a full 2 months. i couldn't help but smile at my phone. "que te tiene sonriendo como loca?" my older brother, carlos, looked at me raising a brow. "tienes novio o que." i feel my face heat up again. before i could say anything my sister butts in. "seguro es tu hombre araña verdad que si." i smile and look down at my phone again. i couldn't deny it. stephano was sneaking his way into my head.

i looked at myself in the mirror. finding a jersey last minute was hard. i was thankful to have carlos as an older brother. acevedo really pulled his strings and it all worked out. i was nervous. seeing stephano for the first time since well our first meeting was scary. i didn't know what to expect.

carlos opens my door quickly. "vámonos!"  i look at him confused. i knew he was overprotective but i didn't need a guard every time i went out. "carlos déjala que vaya sola. le vas a asustar el novio." my sister winked at me and told me to leave before carlos changed his mind and followed behind me.

i drive to the field where they would play. stephano said it would be a small game. he said not to worry to much about the people there.

i walked in and they were already starting. i quickly found a seat up close and starting chanting for stephano. i wasn't too sure if he could hear me but i could only hope. i noticed he was looking around the seats. he turns and sees me and sends me a wink. i smile feeling my cheeks fire up.

the game was pretty intense. both teams were going hard against each other. the score was still 0:0 after the first half. i was nervous for stephano and the entire team. i knew they were trying really hard.

i watched intensely as the ball was stolen by gael. he ran towards the goal and was passed the ball to stephano. i started cheering as he kicked it and scored. he cheered around and then turned to look at me. he signaled his hands like spiderman. i laughed and did it back.

the game finished with a final score of 2:1 with us winning. i waited for stephano, still sitting in the bleachers. i heard someone calling my name. i turned and saw stephano. i smiled, standing up.

he walked towards me. "como te gusto el gol?" i smiled. "jugaste bien. felicidades por aver ganado." he pouted and walked towards me. "es todo. no estás feliz de verme." i look down. nervousness took over me. "estoy nerviosa es todo. pero si estoy muy feliz de verte." i felt him lift my chin up. he placed a single kiss on my lips.

he pulled away apologizing immediately. "perdón te veías tan chula que no me aguantaba." i smile. "hay pero primero sácame a comer o algo." he laughs and hold my hand. "bueno pues que no se diga mas vamos a comer." i smile and follow behind him. my heart beating faster with every move. i had a feeling this was going to be the start of many dates.

buenas buenas!!! i don't know how i feel about this one shawtys. i was inspired by the picture but it kind if went downhill. still i hope y'all enjoyed it. i love y'all and thank y'all for continuing to support this little book. i love y'all so very much.

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