Chapter XXVI

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And you get some angst. And you get some angst. And you get some angst. Everyone gets angst!

Tw: Mentions of deaths and bodies, devastation and burning homes. Small mention of blood and poison (+injuries). Finally, some good fucking backstory. Loss of family members being discussed/shown. Thorin being a bitch, it's been a while since that warning.



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While the dragon had finally been slain, devastation and desolation still hung heavy in the sky. The once blue air had turned an ashy shade of grey as sunlight lightly managed to shine through. The waters, once filled with fish and other sea life, was now a graveyard of deceased Lakemen and their possessions.

Kili and Raewyn managed to get onto a barge, Bard on his own shortly behind them. A young girl who the ranger had managed to fish out of the water was now soundly asleep on her lap, exhaustion knocking the poor girl out before she received the time to grieve.

A sad frown was painted onto Raewyn's face as they passed the floating bodies, the Lake turning red through the waves.

"How does one move past a loss like this?" She whispered, her hand rubbing soothing circles on the arm of the young girl, her gaze far-off, as if she had been stuck inside her thoughts.

"You did it once." Kili tried to soothe, moving slightly closer towards the ranger, his motion hesitant.

"I was young," She mumbled. "Time allowed me to adjust to that grief. Men do not have that time. And this is not a mere amount of six fallen loved ones. This is the loss of generations of men. Not only family, but friends and partners as well."

Raewyn's gaze fell towards the shore in the distance, where the men got out of their boats as they reunited with their people.

"I hope there is someone on that shore who will be waiting for her. Best to not let her grieve on her own." She muttered.

The dwarf looked at her, though her eyes were not on him. His hand hesitantly found hers, trying to provide her with some sort of comfort. When Raewyn felt his touch, she swiftly turned her palm, squeezing his hand three times while her eyes remained on the land in the distance.

"I am sure there is someone for her out there." Kili spoke, letting his hand rest as he followed her eyes.


When their boat connected to the land, the people from the barge fled the wooden structure, running towards relatives and other relations. Kili stood up from the floor as Raewyn gently woke the girl. With a tired groan, she opened her eyes, looking around, just to see everyone had already disappeared.

"We made it." The ranger whispered, allowing Kili to help the girl stand up as the Asha pushed herself up. "Is there anyone for you here?"

The girl merely shrugged, a look of confusion washing over her face.

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