AB no 3/5

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AS SHE SLOWLY REGAINED CONSCIOUSNESS, her head pounded and her whole body ached, the room span round and round and it didn't seem like it was going to stop anytime soon

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AS SHE SLOWLY REGAINED CONSCIOUSNESS, her head pounded and her whole body ached, the room span round and round and it didn't seem like it was going to stop anytime soon. She began collecting her memories from the day before

she remembered everything, every little detail the look on his face, every time she closes her eyes she saw his terrified face she could of done something, she should of done something, it was all her fault

"oh no no no " she cried her hands pulling at her hair "please no" she sobbed before leaning over and throwing up into a conveniently placed bucket
there was no way her family was gone, it just couldnt happen she had took care of them her whole life she had protected them provided for them just for them to be taken from her by some measly men with guns? she didnt think so

she put her hand on her forehead, laughed manically and paced around the room there was so way her family was dead just no..way Her laughter turned into tears falling down her face and soft sobbing she tried to cover with her hand

As more memories flooded through her head the more careless she became, she threw herself of the chair, tears streaming down her face. she screamed and screamed louder than she had ever screamed before

she had no one

"please, please shut up" she begged crumbling to the floor "i cant breathe, i need air, LET ME OUT" she sobbed,she stood up, letting out a frustrated yell "I CANT BREATHE IN HERE"

she felt like she was losing her mind, her breathing steadied and her jaw ticked "SHIT" she screamed in anger and began destroying everything in sight whatever was in her reach was destroyed

let out a brooding heartbroken scream, her voice becoming raspy,she was only just catching her breath when someone stepped into the room

"woah,woah woah, little girl what did you do to my room" the man said both of his hands on his head
she backed into the corner of the rooms, breathing heavily and not breaking eye contact with the man
"not a talker?" he shouted over his shoulder  grabbing some files

"not at the moment" she gritted through her teeth

"well-" he began only to be cut of by Athena

"how did i get here?" she panted her eyebrows knitting together

"okay lets just all take a deep breath and-"

"no, i don't want to take a deep breath, i want to know where i am!" She cried

"Hey okay okay its okay" he put his hand out towards her trying to calm her down "i work for an organisation called the commission, thats were you are now i also happen to work here we keep the timeline in check, they wanted to take you in as a recruit after what happened" There was a minute of silence she was trying to collect her thoughts  
"that bullet wound is pretty nasty eh?" he pointed at her hip

he stared at him with glassy eyes "are they both dead?" she asked the word coming of her tongue like poison

"i'm afraid so cariño" he sighed

her breathing quickened and she let out a croaky sob
"oh god o-oh god" her voice wobbled , her hands clutched her hair and she cried "i should of gotten them out of the house, its all my fault"

he walked towards her and knelt down " hey, hey it's alright your safe now i promise" he hushed

"But there not...my family, there gone" there was another moment of silence

"whats your name honey" the man said

"my names Athena" she said staring up at the man and wiping her tears

he gave her a sweet smile "im Theo" he put his hand out "nice to meet ya" she looked at him and than his hand than reluctantly shook his hand

"why did they send you to get me, why not let me die like my family"

"your special Athena even the boss said so"

"the boss?" she asked before ignoring herself "so you live here? in a gym?" she croaked out

"a gym? are you serious this is a very serious place for very serious people" he said offendedly before cocking his head "yea its a gym, i teach people how to fight and defend themselves" he nodded

"well are you any good at it"

he rolled his eyes "am i any good at it, or course i am i taught some of the best hitmen and women in the world how to fight "

"really? your not messing with me here are you"

"course not cariño"

the Theo checked his watch " speaking of the boss she wants to speak to you right about...now"

Just than a little scruffy man with black glasses and a pristine grey suit walked into the room "Miss Evans? The Handler will see you now please, right this way"

Athena looked at Theo who gave her a wishful nod "go ahead"