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They went back to Obsidian, she showed Five the place where she was almost murdered by Stan who fortunately for him couldn't be found

She panicked, helping Diego turn the room upside down in an attempt to find Stan "what the hell are you doing?" Lila rushed in "Stanley is gone! We need to face this!"

"No!" she barked, falling over her own feet "he's around somewhere!"

"Just check the chimney!"
"Hes not in the bloody chimney! Hes been Kugelblitzed!"

"Whose fault is that, huh? You're the one that brought him here!" Diego yelled, storming up to Lila

Five turned around, the noise beginning to annoy him "congratulations. You're both mildly terrible parents and aunts" he pointed to the wall, his eyes narrowing "can we focus? Come on how did this thing open before?"

"I don't know it was already kinda open"
"It was already kinda open" Five mimicked "Diego, you should have been an engineer its a lost opportunity"

She layed on the white rug where she, not long ago, almost died "Diego you getting deja vu?" she grinned

Five huffed, dragging her to her feet "come on focus"

"Why'd you wanna go in there anyway? Its just sushi and death" Lila protested
"When we met future me in the commission bunker, i warned myself about oblivion now, Pogo told me–"

"Woah woah woah pogos alive?"
"Different pogo,but yes"

She grabbed Fives shoulder "hes sick as fuck, with all the tattoos and guns-"
"Yeah..okay" he touched her head "the monkey said dad spent years training the sparrows for some kind of super-secret mission into.."


Five nodded, clamping his hands together "so, we come back here and find that you two sentient STDs have actually been in there" he put his hand in his pockets

"Everything seems to be leading to oblivion" she shrugged "we have to go in there"

"Hell no! Not happening"
"No way! We barely got out alive"

She scoffed at the couple "yeah that was because it was only the two of you idiots in there, we- me" she corrected herself "i can deal with that shit"

Five tutted "didn't appreciate that but so what? This is more than just you two"

"Says the guy with all his fingers, i didn't get this by giving a mummy a hand job, all right?" She stepped forward in awe, looking at the mans hand "i went in there, and lost my fingers to this thing with a knife and on a chain"

Fives eyes flickered quickly to the girl "sounds like someone i know"

"Hey, look '' Lila stepped forward "Diego might be 90% moron and 10% pelvic thrusts, but he's right about Oblivion okay? Were not just going to waltz back in there just because you say so"

Luther and Sloane walked into the room "good. Because you're coming with us"
"This should be interesting" Five said "where to?"

"Sparrow academy"
"The worlds ending, so i think its time we put our petty bullshit aside and work together on this Kugelblitz"

"Yeah? Or what?"
"Or Stanley wont be the last of us to disappear" Lila answered

She walked alongside Five out of the room "Stanley" she whined sadly
"I know, i know" he put his arm around her, kissing her softly on her head as they walked out