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Diego walked over to her "you- come on Five has something to show us"

"I-" Diego Picked he girl up and threw her over his shoulder "HEY" she yelled as he threw her on the floor next to Lila.

"Now sit down, and help us save the world" he slapped her cheek lightly giving her a sarcastic smile

"Now we have two tapes to watch" Five began "the one Hazel gave me and the one Athena gave me" everyone turned to her "you gonna tell me what its about?" Five said softly

She looked around and sighed, there was no escaping it anyway "when I left last night i had..a conversation with Aj, you remember?" she turned to Five "that sort of half fish half man guy"

"Aj?..Yea i remember him"

"he gave me that tape, i have no clue what's on it or what its about" she shook her head, dragging her hands down her face

"You went with the commision?" Fives said almost offended

"No- no i would never go back to that place, it was against my will. They must have used some sort of new teleportation- it was freaky" she tried to explain, picturing what happened that night

"Is that why you?" he trailed off

"Yea- i just- i've not done that in years i just- i just panicked" she said putting her head down

She took in a deep breath "lets watch it, see what that fucker wants" Five nodded and put the tape in

'3...2...1" the old timey countdown played

Theo sat down at his desk, his hands clasped together and a smile on his face "Hey darlin- no, that's not right" he cleared his throat "hello Agent "

Athena gasped quietly, her eyes widening "Theo.."

"Now I know what you're thinking 'why is this dead guy on my screen and why is he so good looking?" he gestured to his face "well, first of all if my plan worked hello Five Hargreeves" he nodded to the screen.

His smile faded and the happy aura that surrounded him became weaker and darker "Oh my poor Athena, it's time you know the truth- the full truth" his smile faded "I lied to you, I'm sorry." his eyes flashed to the paper on the table "Its okay to be angry at me, its okay cariño" she could see his hands shaking "you do great things Athena, evil things, but great. And i can't stand in your way of doing that, even if it means sacrificing myself for you, I'd rather die a million times than have you be in pain"

"I know you've had a hard life and you may think that this will send you over the edge, and it might"

she blinked in surprise "but after, you need to get back up again, you need to keep going finish what we started and i know you can"

"I knew the only way to make sure you stay alive and still leave the commission was for me...to die" his eyes fell "i went through every scenario and each one where i go with you, you end up dead, this was the only way"

"But no that's not right" she shook her head

"But no that's not right" Theo mimicked "see? I knew you would say that, Athena i know you, i know you so well that i know that you think pushing everyone away will 'save them?' but cariño no..it won't" he trailed off "You don't have to keep punishing yourself Athena, stop pushing yourself away enjoy being with people without the fear of death" he smiled "please, do it for me, when i know your happy and with people you love, that's when i can actually have my eternal rest"

She felt Fives hand on her shoulder and she slightly leaned into him "no one is coming to save you Athena" his voice took a dark turn "do it yourself"

He looked back up at the camera "I'm so proud of you, i need you to know that"

he took a deep breath and looked down and she knew that it was almost over, she knew this would be the last time she was him "Goodbye cariño, i'll see you in hell" he gave her a weak smile before the tape went blank

No one said a word for a minute, everyone was waiting for Athena's reaction "son of a bitch.." she finally said, her voice barely audible "is that all i get?" she scoffed "he kills himself and leaves me thinking it was my fault for years and this is all i get?" her voice cracked "if he was alive i would kill him myself for that weak explanation" she scoffed her eyes watering "its just-" she felt the lump in her throat "i just-" she cleared her throat "i need some water"


The four, plus Elliot tied to his own chair watched the tape hazel had slipped into Fives pocket before the poor man was shot it seemed to be a video of an old couple squabbling about whether the camera was on

"There so cute, i love old couples i'm always so proud of them for not murdering each other" she said while painting Elliots toes with a green nail polish against the man's will

"Why are we watching this?" Diego groaned from the counter
Five shushed him and returned to the projector

"Today's date is november 22 1963" the old man said to the camera

Diego's eyes widened "the grassy knoll. Kennedy's about to get shot"

she looked up at the boy nudging his leg "where'd you get this?"

He looked down "Hazel died to get me this footage, it must be the key to stopping doomsday" his eyebrows furrowed

"Shit...the story just keeps getting better" she scrunched up her face

"Long story"

Lila looked up from her nail polish "what's doomsday?"

"Longer story"

The five continued to watch the tape "this is very exciting" the old man said before gunshots rumbled in the air

"Oswald" Diego muttered

The atmosphere became tense as the two brothers spotted something or someone familiar on the screen "oh no" five rewinded the projector and the two crept closer towards the screen

"Okay, you gonna fill me in now, boys? What the hell is this shit we're watching?" Lila stated turning to the girl "seriously what's going on?" she whispered she replied with a shrug

"No, that's impossible"