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Athena had given up on trying to help Five explain what exactly the grandfather paradox was to the others and joined Stanley, making karate moves on the pool table while he swung to stick in the air "enséñame lo que tienes" (show me what you got) she exclaimed, egging the boy on "Yah!" he jumped in the air, attempting to do karate moves

"Stanley!" Diego warned "now is not the time to be doing karate okay!" he pointed at the girl "you! Stop helping him, come here and help us"

She made a face at him, jumping off the pool table and ruffeling to boys hair "mom and Aunt Attie said i need to practise"

"Well little lesson in life, we don't listen to Aunt Attie because she is awful and likes to break things all right? And we don't need that right now and Yeah, she's not wrong your very bad"

She crouched down to the boy "i can set things on fire" she whispered walking away

"Okay, hold on five, so we caused a paradox what does that mean?" Allison asked, her back up against a wall

"It's hard to say" his eyebrows furrowed

She bit her lip "It's all been theoretical until now, but things have started to disappear." she leant against the table where five stood, tapping her finger twice on his hand just to reassure him
"What things?"

"Right now? Uh, lobsters."
Klaus sat up suddenly, with the book in his hand "And a shit ton of cows!"

"That's true" she pointed at him "one exploded on me"

"But I have a feeling this is just the beginning"
"A feeling? Aren't you two retired?" Allison spoke up, her bitterness making the air more dense as she spoke

"Trust me we want nothing more"

"You know, you can't drag us through hell because you have an itch only an apocalypse can scratch and then expect us to deal with the fallout You're not the boss"

She scoffed in disbelief "Oh yea of course sorry Allison, we should have just let us all die the first apocalypse than you wouldn't have to deal with all this"

"Fine, I'm the messenger, and I'm telling you something terrible is coming"

"Then let's go attack the Sparrows, get the briefcase, and go home"

"This is our home, Allison. Accept it"

There was clattering on the floor, making everyone jump and turn their heads towards Stanley "That's it! I'm telling your mom"

"Wait, where's Lila?"

"Shower, i told her she could stay with us"

Five walked away from the group "Don't leave, Five. Don't leave." Klaus muttered from the floor

"No, Klaus. I'm leaving"
"Don't die" she waved

They watched Five walk away, "I mean, he has a good track record with this stuff. I feel like we should listen to him" Viktor said

"no, you should listen to me" she pointed at herself "i can do this shit alright, i can sort it out like me and Five have done two times already"

"Sure. Hey, quick question" everyone turned to Klaus as he stood up, still with the book in his hand "Do none of you heartless bastards care about our murdered moms?"

"Klaus, the only one that we knew plugged into a wall."

"Oh yeah? Well, this is my real mother. And she's called Rachel. And I have her eyes. See? Come on! We need to find out who did this! This is the thing! This is the main thing!" Klaus urged, holding the paper up to his face

"Is that all you want? Cause it's obviously Dad, all right? He knew where we were born. He hated us in '63. Boom. Murders"

"You think Dad is capable of killing innocent people?"


"Oh, it's Murder City, buddy." Diego guffaws

"Yeah, I guess so" Klaus cocked his head

Luther walked in, a goofy grin on his face and a sparrow tote bag in his hand "Little late for a meeting, pal"

"I was being held captive. By the Sparrows Wait. Did none of you notice?"

She snickered, "is that why you're wearing that stupid outfit?" she sipped her drink on the table

He gave her an unsurprised look as she punched his stomach playfully and walked to Stanley "listen dude" she caught the stick he was wailing around "you've got to grab it, and stab it" she demonstrated for the boy "say if your dad over there, tries anything just punch him in the face or chase him around with a stick trust me it works wonders for me"

She handed it to him, leaning onto the wall as he attempted more ninja moves, she could hear the others in the background "move on to problem number two. Disappearing people." her head snapped up towards Luther

Standly swung the pool stick into a vase next to her shattering it "Ooh! Uh, it was... it was the wind"

"Don't worry, it was ugly anyway" she reassured