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"Can Agent Evans and Theo Sagaz please come to my office immediately" The handlers voice echoed on the speakers above them

the pair looked at one another "what dose she want?" Athena groaned grabbing her shoes

"If she says anything about the health and safety about the gym again I'm gonna lose it , you'll have to hold me back" he joked

"oh no you pound that bitches face in" she remarked

In The Handlers office, she had on the same fake smile she had,had since Athena arrived at the commission, she had always saw straight though

"so" she began "we've been watching you two train together for sometime now, how are you getting on?"

"were fine, Attie is the best trainee i have been put with" Theo replied

"That's great and we know you to have created quite a bond with each other"


"However, we are concerned that she isn't being trained to her full potential" she pulled up a white board and drew a grid

"right now" she drew a line at the bottom of the grid labelled 'level one' "shes there, and if we want her to do well in business we need her to be" she drew a line at the top of the grid labelled 'level 10' "there"

"what are you trying to say" Athena furrowed her eyebrows

"We just think we need to...enhance your experience in other fields of work, so i have decided to transfer you over to another place for a while and see how you settle in"

"And what do they do? There's nothing that she needs to know that i'm not an expert in here" He narrowed his eyes in confusion

"There outside of the commission, friends of mine"

"Shes only young, she doesn't completely know how to defend herself, shes not ready" he tried desperately to bargain with her

"if shes strong enough to be an assassin she should be strong enough to go with them " she hummed

"normally it would take months for you to be transferred but were making an exception for our favourite little death trap right here" she cooed "it will be good for her i swear, as her trainer i thought you would be glad"


The next day she was transferred into the place the Handler said she needed to go and despite how much she exaggerated the place, it just looked like a downgraded commission, or prison

she walked into the room where she intended to meet  The Handlers "friends" as she had called them.
She felt a nervous pang in her stomach as she saw that all eyes were on her as she sat down in her seat.
She studied the people around her; two men one with an eye patch who were both holding guns to their chests, a woman in a leather jacket and short black hair and a big muscular man with dark skin and a bald head.

They looked serious and scary, like they actually meant business, she looked like a scared little girl next to them. They sat in silence until the man with the bald head spoke up "we hear your training to be the best assassin of your generation, correct?"

"i want to be great or nothing"

"good answer" the woman said "Now, Agent Evans what do you think we do here?"

"Well The Handler told me I needed some more experience in other places? something like that" she recalled tilting her head

"well i suppose we do that" The man in the eye patch responded

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