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"AH, SHIT" Five grumbled staring into his closet that hasn't been touched nor opened in 17 years

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"AH, SHIT" Five grumbled staring into his closet that hasn't been touched nor opened in 17 years

"whats up tough guy?" she asked walking behind him her wild hair brushing against his shoulder

"i've only got these stupid uniforms from when i was a kid" he huffed taking a set of clothes out and shutting the closet door

"sucks for you, i sorta like the baggy look it's kinda cute don't ya think" she grinned  twirling around next to him

"mhm whatever, just stay focused after the funeral that's when things start okay? " he rolled his eyes, not looking back at the girl

"Oh come one don't you want to explore the great city of new york before?"

"you know what-" he took a deep breath "okay just stay out of trouble while the funeral is going on, that is all i ask of you"


That girl was driving him insane, she was just so difficult to work with, so stubborn and annoying she was too much like himself

That 'self portrait' looks nothing like him, his face is all disproportional and his hair is flat. He knew dad wasn't exactly the more caring father in the world but was his face really that forgettable?

hearing footsteps behind him, he instantly knew who it was when you grew up in a house like this you need to know who's coming and if you should be scared  "nice to know dad didn't forget about me"


"read your book by the way, found it in a library that was still standing, i thought it was pretty good, all things considered, yeah definitely ballsy giving up the family secrets, sure that went over well"

"they hate me" Vanya said in a sad tone, fidgeting with her hands

"oh there are worse things that can happen" Vanya was always his favourite. maybe it was because she was quiet and didn't get on his nerves as much as the others or how she didn't   boast about her fame and powers because she didn't have any

"you mean like what happened to ben?"

"was it bad?" he asked in a solemn voice, she nodded


As he walked outside to join the rest of his dysfunctional family he remembered the girl that was doing who knows what in my house, he thought about what she could be doing, looting his house, breaking expensive antiques, something like that he figured. All of his family grew up exactly how i imagined - apart from Luther he assumed he would become some kind of body builder who did bad commercials but not.. that big the man's 7ft tall pretty much cmon now and the fact that ben wasn't here changed everything,he assumed he would go on to become an author like Vanya, that or winning 'most books ever read in the history of the world' I'm telling you the boy liked his books that's what he liked about Ben he levelled out all the chaos in the family

Luther stood in the middle of the semicircle with their dads ashes in his hands, he was always the golden boy always looking for his approval, he forgot how irritating he could be about it but Five thought was a nice sense of normality, or what he thought was normal "Did something happen?" Grace asked sweetly

"Dad died, remember?" Allison looked at Diego concerned

"oh yes, of course"she responded

"Is mom okay?"

"yeah, yeah she's fine she just needs to rest you know, recharge" Diego was always a mommas boy all there childhood he would hog her never letting any of them have her attention,some people never change

"whenever your ready dear boy" pogo said

Luther poured out the old man's ashes only for it to land in a very sad lump on the ground.

guess that was his true destiny

"probably would of been better with some wind"

no kidding

"Does anyone wish to speak?" no response

Just because the man was dead didn't mean they had to say nice things about him

"very well, in all regards sir reginald Hargreeves made me what i am today for that alone i shall forever be in his debt he was my master, and my friend and i shall miss him very much he leaves behind a complicated legacy-"

"he was a monster" there we go, he knew someone was going to say something Diego more likely than anyone else

Klaus lets out a Smokey chuckle

"he was a bad person and a worse father, the worlds better of without him" you could hear the hatred and venom in his voice

"Diego" Allison said in a warning tone knowing what would happen next

"my name is number two, you know why? because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names,he had mom do it"

"Would anyone like anything to eat?" grace sweetly said unbothered by anything going on around her

"no its okay mom" Vanya reassured

"oh okay" her smile faltered for a split second before returning

"Look, you wanna pay your respects? go ahead but at least be honest about the kind of man he was"

"you should stop talking now" Luther warned

"you know, you of all people should be on my side here, Number one"

"i am warning you"

"after everything he did to you?" Five looked at Klaus suddenly getting flashbacks from when we were young and had to go through hours and hours of Luther and Diego arguing but the difference now was that now they weren't kids anymore

"he had to ship you a million miles away"

"Diego, stop talking"

"that's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you!"he poked Luther in the chest

bad move Diego. bad. move.

Luther swung at him which ended in a fight breaking out between the two idiots

"boys stop this at once!" Five didn't know why Pogo bothers

it's not like they were going to listen to the poor old chimpanzee

Klaus puts his hand out in front of Five like that's going to do anything

besides he could handle myself he always had done and he always will do, he bat the man's hand away

"Come on big boy!" they continued punching each other, if you were to get two monkeys on steroids to fight each other and compare it to Diego and Luther not many people would be able to tell the difference

"stop it!"

"hit him, hit him!"

It was funny to see the two dynamics of this family: the mentally ill and the mentally ill on drugs. We all know which one Klaus is, pogo scoffs and walks away,he doesn't know why he's surprised. Did he think everything would go to plan? When has that ever happened?
by this point Luther's super strength was beginning to beat Diego's mediocre punches 

"Get off me!"

"we don't have time for this" he said, these two buffoons wasted enough of his time already

"come here big boy" he heard as he walked  away,along with a shatter which he assumed is ben's statue

"ohhh" klaus winces

"and there goes bens statue "

"Diego no!"

one thing you should know about Diego is that he always takes things to far for example slicing his brothers arm ...I'm just going to leave that there

"best funeral ever!"