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For the first time probably ever, Athena drove the entire time, they followed pogo into the early hours in the morning, Fives hands never leaving her waist, probably fearing for both of their safety, they ended up outside of a trailer where a woman sat smoking a cigarette and reading a book while sat on a crappy lawn chair

She got off the motorbike,glancing at Five who looked like he just woke up, she smirked fixing his tie and hair "can i help you?" the woman asked,surprised

"Need a word with pogo"
"Ain't no pogo here pumpkin"
"Okay" Five said, stepping towards the trailer no matter what she said
She stood up "so i suggest you get your ass off my property before i call a truant officer"

There was a voice coming from the door "its okay, tammy. Let them in"

The two gave Tammy a smug smirk and walked past her, stepping into the trailer. Pogo greeted them silently putting his drink into the air

She glanced at Five, an eerie feeling in her gut and judging by his face Five felt it too, they sat in the booth with pogo a pistol cocking underneath the table,explaining the feeling "you're either dumb or desperate" Pogo started, his finger resting on the trigger "which is it?"

Five reached into his pocket pulling out the piece of his skin and slapping it onto the table "you tell me"

Pogo picked up the tattoo and studied it "that looks like my work but i never did that tattoo"

"Not yet, you haven't" she put her hands on the table

"I cut it off my 100-year old self"
Pogo looked between the two "ah, so desperate it is"

"You would be too if you knew the entire universe were at stake"

"So its happened" Pogo said, playing with his cup, he set it down, flicking through his notepad "ah here it is" he set the book down in front of them "look familiar?"

Five put the tattoo next to the book, studying it, pogo talked about Reginald, his obsession with the symbols, a sigil he called it

She listened to the two talk, her eyes glued to the notebook, her eyes shifted to pogo as the words 'project oblivion' came out of his mouth, so did Fives, she felt the worry in him rise, he looked to the left,retracing a memory

It was as she thought, he hadn't told her everything about his trip to the commission "this project" she set her hand on the table "we need to know more"

Pogo told the two about the old mans project, how pogo gave the children pills to stop him, keep them safe "well my druggie brother just got him sober"

"Go figure"

"Than project oblivion is starting again, and you are all in danger"

The three held onto their drinks tightly, quickly downing the rest of the liquid "than i should probably get that ink. Complete the loop" he stood up

"Are you sure?" pogo asked

He took off his blazer "oh, i don't think destiny cares whether i am or not"

They walked over to the couch, she sat beside five, watching the tattoo machine mark his skin "did i have anything?" she asked

"no" he winced "not that i could see"

Her eyebrows rose, she adjusted herself to be closer to Five's face "can i get something?" she grinned "it's not going to alter the timeline, right?"

He sighed "no, i suppose not but-"

"Come on were all going to perish in the apocalypse in a few days, i want to make the most of it" He cocked his head, knowing he couldn't do anything to stop her

"what do you want?" he sighed "..nothing stupid"

She thought for a second, sticking her tongue in her cheek

That morning they left pogos trailer with a mothers of agony tattoo on fives chest and a tattoo of fire on her ankle, not for any particular reason, she didn't think about it for too long, she just thought that it explained her life quite well, a shit ton of fire.