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She walked up the stairs, Diego, Luther and Vanya a bit behind her. The building smelt like new furniture and rich people, a smell you would only get when Sir Reginald Hargreeves was around.

She spotted Five walking into the elevator and quickly went after him "hey" she smiled standing next to him

"Hey, looks like it's just us" he sighed fixing his blazer

"I dont think so" she smirked as Diego grabbed the elevator door
"Wait up" he stepped inside

"Hold it" Allison ran inside the elevator, surprised at her siblings appearances "Hey everyone" Klaus stumbled in leaning against the wall

Vanya walked in without a word and finally Luther stepped in, Athena swore she felt the elevator go down and she didn't feel safe inside it anymore "excuse me" he shuffled in

"Good. we're all here" Five let out a relieved sigh that he wouldn't have to face the man by himself She watched the numbers increase on the top of the elevator "nervous?"

"Yea" he whispered back

"Dont, just imagine him singing a song and dancing around the room"

"What?" he turned to her with an confused expression

"I do it all the time" she waved her hand at him "i do it with you, it is the funniest thing ever i'm telling you"

"Okay- were talking about that later" Five shook his head. Allison sniffed the air, her face curling in disgust as everyone covered their faces "luther!" Klaus groaned

"Sorry im nervous"

They all rushed out the elevator "nasty. I'm choking!"

"None of that." Klaus shook his head. They walked into the room labelled 'tiki lounge' soft island music played over the speakers and Athena looked around the room in awe. "Alright, when dad gets here ill do the talking okay?"

"I've got a few questions for him myself" Diego cocked his head

"Hey, we don't wanna scare him off he might be able to help us stop doomsday, get us home"

"No Five, we need to figure out why he's planning to kill the president" Diego said in a duh tone walking around the table "This is a matter of life and death you imbecile" Five knew that the dinner wouldn't go to plan, when does anything? But he still needed to try

"Okay, yeah, maybe we should take turns talking, yeah?" Vanya interrupted the twos debate, she picked up a fake conch shell of the table "here, whoever has got this conch shell gets to talk"

"Vanya we don't have time for a debate" his tone soothed slightly

"Maybe I should lead. We all know i'm a better public speaker than the rest of you"

"Okay daddys girl"

"Oh, jealous number two?"

Athena walked up to Allison "can i hold that for a second?" Allison passed the girl the shell and watched in amusement as she brought it up to her ear, listening to the waves

"Hey, no more numbers, no more bullshit were team zero, were all team zero" Diegp looked around

"Uh, Diego you don't have the conch" Luther pointed out a grin on his face

Diego gave him a sarcastic smile and took the conch out of the girls hand, dramatically throwing it out the window "classic" Allison sat down

"Hey you shit stain!" she gasped "I was enjoying myself" she growled

"Sorry, i needed to prove a point, i'll buy you another one" he ruffled her hair walking past her

Reginald burst through the door, making Athena jump and hurry to her seat next to Five and Diego "not only have you burglarized my lab, set my chimp loose, conned your way into the mexican consulate, repeatedly stalked and attacked me, but you have on numerous occasions called me..."