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The three pulled up to building "this is it" Five muttered getting out of the car

"Ds umbrella this is it" Diego shook his head walking up to the door
Five slowed his pace, an almost frightened look on his face "you okay?" he asked

"Yea, fine" he shuddered walking up to the door "just" he held out his fists

"How long has it been since you've seen the old man?"

"Forty five years"

"Wow" Athena crossed her arms

"That's a trip" Diego bent down to break the lock on the door

"No kidding" he lent against the wall "you know when i was stuck out there in the apocalypse there wasn't a day that went by when i didn't hear his voice in my head "

"What was he saying?" Diego asked looking up at his brother

"I told you so"

Diego scoffed softly "well, if dads here, he's never met you before, so he can't say i told you so" he tried his best to give Five his best advice

"I'm sure he'll find a way" he looked at Diego sadly before jumping into the door and letting the two in

"Right, godda remember that" Diego nodded, the door slamming behind the three

Before doing anything else Athena walked up to a lamp and turned it on so the door wasn't completely dark but, as she walked away the light dimmed and quickly went off "shit" she muttered "is there any other lights?" she looked around

"I don't think so" Five shook his head

She put her hand out and in seconds in was covered in scorching hot red fire, lighting up the room "i forgot she could do that" Diego muttered

She quickly caught up to the two, squeezing herself into the middle, trying to keep her hands away from them "what are you doing?" Diego looked down at her

"Uh..protection? Incase your dad pulls some michael myers shit or something" she said in a hushed tone, her eyes darting left and right

She reminded Five of a squirrel sometimes, more now than normally, he scoffed and turned towards her "Admit it" five smirked "your afraid of the dark"

"Me? No no it's just i'm scared..for you guys's safety thats all" she blubbered

"The girl who is basically a walking lamp is afraid of the dark..wow" Athena shot the boy a glare

They continued looking around "guess dad wasn't much for home decor"Five hit one of the pillows, a dust cloud poofing in his face "it feels more like a front"

"A front for what?"

"I don't know"

"Well, ill take the left" DIego walked off "yell if you, uh..get in trouble" Five turned towards the other door "wait wait, don't leave me in the dark" she grabbed his arm walking with him

"I just can't believe it" Five began

"Give it a rest you old-" she grumbled being cut off by Five

"The great and mighty Athena Evangeline Evans, the woman who could slaughter a room full of people without breaking a sweat is afraid of the dark, are you going to tell me you're afraid of the monsters in your closet too?" he chuckled

The girl still had a tight grip on his arm "ate the monsters in my closet when i was four, there scared of me" she protested

"Unless it's in the dark though right?"

She scowled, not letting him have the last word "mhm funny..shit sniffer" she mumbled

"I'm sorry did you just call me a shit sniffer?"

"Yea, yes i did"

Five stopped and pushed open a door, when he turned on the light he felt Athena's grip soften but she didn't let go "holy shit" she said looking at the three mannequins all set up as if they were a normal family

"What are you up to?" Five said softly, his eyebrows knitting together

"you know who this reminds me of?"


"Dolores, maybe this is her family" she shrugged

They had gone into another room and found, yet again another family of mannequins. The pair rushed around a desk looking for anything that could be useful for them to find their dad, she picked up an envelope labelled reginald hargreeves and opened it revealing a letter addressed by "mr. Hoyt Hillenkoetter" she nudged Five and handed him the letter, he looked at her with wide eyes before folding the paper and putting it in his pocket

There was a loud clatter at the other side of the room that startled the two teens Five walked towards it "Five- what are you doing?" she whisper shouted "wait- wait for me" she scurried after him

He stopped walking and stared at a spot in the corner of the room where they could hear soft chimpanzee like sounds, this was soon confirmed when a small diaper-wearing chimp reluctantly crawled out from under a table "hi" Five whispered his tone the softest Athena had ever heard it "pogo" he slowly moved towards the chimp, not wanting to startle him "hey, it's alright little buddy" Athena smiled softly at the boy but kept her distance, not wanting to intrude on the moment .Five beamed at the small chimpanzee "pogo. It's good to see you"

She stared at him and it was only than that she realised how much she had missed the boy, sure she wasn't alone she had Ben and Klaus but it was...different she missed his presence, his snarky comments he said after she did something stupid, which resulted with the two squabbling for a minute or two. He was the only person that truly understood he didn't just say it, he knew what it was like. Diego was right they did have more in common than she thought

Five looked the chimp in the eye once last time before it lashed out at him, digging his claws into Five's neck and running off, Jumping out of the window. Five cried out and lost his balance falling on the floor "ah shit" Athena rushed over to Five to assist him "that took a horrible turn, come on get up Five" she urged

"Diego! Diego!" Five called out rushing away, dragging the girl by her arm