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The girls walked in to "their" room "It's not too small" Vanya said, trying to be optimistic "It's definitely ugly"

"There's only two beds" she pointed out sitting on the chair "great..i'll figure something out in a minute i just need to..i just need to sit down" she sighed

"you sure?" Allison asked "we could ask for another room or-"

"dont worry about it, ill deal with it"

Vanya sighed, laying on her bed , Allison laid on hers and Athena sat on a chair in the middle of the room "Last night, I was sleeping in my own bed next to my amazing husband" Allison said, staring up at the ceiling

"I kissed Sissy goodbye a few hours ago. Give or take 50 years"

Allison looked at the woman, a genuine look in her eye "I'm glad you finally found somebody that treated you right"

"She saw me for who I really am. I'm not ready to give that up"

"I feel the same about Ray. We better not have left them just to die in some superhero turf war"

The two women turned to Athena, resting her eyes while her head was down on the chair "i can feel you both staring" she said, a slight smile tugging on her lips, she bit the inside of her cheek, accepting defeat "somebody told me he loves me a few hours ago"

She could almost hear the sound of their jaws dropping, making her snicker "Im going to find somewhere to sleep"

They had only been sharing a room with each other for ten minutes and Five already felt like he was going to rip their voice boxes out, Diego wouldn't stop talking about lila,and complaining about every possible thing there was to complain about. He knew it was just a short amount of time before one of them brought her up and he wasn't prepared for it "what about you and Athena? I saw her head on your lap earlier, you two were actually civil..thats not something you see every day" he scoffed

"Were-" he stopped "non of your business"

Klaus groaned in disappointment "i thought we were gonna get something"

There was a knock outside the door, they all each other looks before Diego slowly walked up to the door, opening it with his knife firmly in his hand

Outside the door was a very tired looking Athena "speak of the devil" Diego grinned "what happened? Did they kick you out already?" He crossed his arms, lowering his knife

"What a funny guy" she said sarcastically, walking into the room. "Are you all decent? I'm not going to have to bleach my eyes, am i?"

"No your fine"

"there was only two beds in the other room, and the smell made me sneeze, i figured you might have a bathtub i could sleep in"

"Your kidding, Klaus pissed out the window a few minutes ago, your not finding any bathtub here chicka" he patted her head

she turned muttering something about breaking into a room "Stay here sweetie, well find you something" Klaus grabbed her shoulders, sitting her down on the chair so she wouldn't leave

She touched her shoulder lightly "there's no way im letting you sleep on the chair querida, come on" he said guiding her over to his bunk

"Practising your Spanish ?" she snickered
he shoved her face away in embarrassment "shut up thene"


Klaus stared at his brothers, chewing like they had never eaten food in their life "You should try chewing. You might actually taste the food" he said with a touch of sarcasm but was trying to help for the most part