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THE PAIR HAD stayed up the entire night, discussing plans on how Five would escape the commission, and figuring out the equations to make sure they were all right and everything would go to plan

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THE PAIR HAD stayed up the entire night, discussing plans on how Five would escape the commission, and figuring out the equations to make sure they were all right and everything would go to plan.

She leaned over his shoulder and pointed to an equation he had written out on the wall "no that one's wrong it's 0.7"

He tutted shoving her off "no its not i just worked it out its right as it is"

She scoffed and rolled her eyes dramatically "no its 0.7"

"No i'm right just hush and do your job ot mine" They had decided that Five would do the maths and Athena would work out the plan for Five to escape

She huffed "fine than, don't blame me when we burn to a crisp because you got the equations wrong"

"Okay than" he rolled his eyes, not listening

She walked over to the bed sitting down dramatically with a huff glaring at Five, she had only been around him for 8 hours but she wanted to rip his head of

It was only now sinking in that she would be spending a lot of time with this guy, the thought made her shiver

She was also thinking of another person; Theo It had now been just over a week after he died and Athena didn't know what to do with herself

She was devastated to say the least but she wasn't a little girl anymore she projected her grief in other ways


When Five Hargreeves came into the mix she gladly projected all of her anger onto him but now they were civil, working together and she had no one so over the little time she was left alone

Her anger and grief had bubbled up inside her waiting to come out; everytime she closed her eyes she saw his weak,dying body sprawled out on the bathroom floor, she had done nothing but listen as if she had already accepted it. Stupid girl there were a million different ways she could have saved him, she had trained everyday to protect herself. Why couldn't she protect another? Especially Theo

Theo had made her ito who she was, shaped her as a person and now all that was left of him was a small cassette tape with their favourite songs on

It was always her fault, she brought it on herself she killed her family, she killed Theo or better yet she could have saved them, and chose not to. How could she be so careless? So selfish?

How dare Theo give up so easily, leave her alone in the world to fight for herself, she was always so independent but now she desperately needed someone to help her or better yet someone she could hurt.

"Athena" his voice snapped her out of her trance "athena!"

"What" she turned to him annoyed

He held up a piece of paper than looked different compared to the others Theo had gathered for them "this has nothing to do with the apocalypse and it has your name on it"

She grabbed the paper of him and began reading:

The Evans mission

Sighed of by The Handler

trigger men-

Broady green
Joey green
sam black

Mission date- 15.6.08


Nikki Evans
Mikie Evans

Orders: after exterminating the targets retrieve Athena Evans and bring her back to the commission put her in care of Theo Sagez


She looked at the letter with tired eyes, why was she not surprised of course the commission had set her up

This changed the entire story she had in her head, this entire time she thought that her mother had done something to get her in trouble and brought her issues into the house .But that's such a sad open ended story, of course there was more to it, she felt so stupid it was just another thing the commission had hid from her all these years

But now she had her revenge on the commission and now...she could have her revenge on the bastards that killed her family

The silence that filled the room was disturbed by Fives questions "is that what happened to you? Is that why you're here?" his voice had a tiny hint of sympathy

She nodded slightly, so small to the normal person she didn't move at all but Five saw it, she came out of her trance: a plan formed in her head

"You have no idea what happened to me" she hissed "do you still have that tracker Five?"


"I need you to find some people for me"

"No, you are not compromising our mission to kill some-"

"Five, you know what it's like to lose people so important to you that you lose your mind right?" she stormed around the room fumbling with her gun ammo

"And right now I am grieving the most important person in my life and the only way I know how to grieve is to be angry okay? I need to smash someones fucking skull or else im going to smash my own" she walked back up to Five

"And to make it even better I have a chance to kill the people that took my family away from me all those years so are going to come with me or not? " she said in a low tone shoving the tracking device into his chest

There was a few seconds of silence and Athena took that as her answer, she huffed and turned around

"Wait" he sighed rolling his head back "i'll come with you, just let me get my things"

She raised her head and smirked slightly "good"