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He looked down at her hands "what about your power, that's right i remember almost set me on fire" he nudged her playfully

She lifted up her hands, starting a small fire that submerged her whole hand in seconds with beautiful bright fire on her palm "now this was a lovely gift"
He looked at her a with a very confused face making her smirk "okay thats not the whole story exactly but its not relevant"

"What about you, your a decent fighter, not better than me but decent" her pitch went slightly higher

"Oh really? Wow okay" he scoffed "my whole childhood all i ever did was train and fight over..and over again and it was all judged by a mean old man we had to call our father, if he didn't like what we did we did it over and over again, obviously when i jumped to the future i had a lot of time on my hands a lot of thinking a lot of time to practise so when the commission took me in their training was easy and i could already work a gun so they basically just sent me off to be a hitman in my first two months of work crazy right?"

"Fucking bastards,were both pretty messed up aren't we?" she giggled

"I suppose so,cheers to that" he held up his bottle, Athena doing the same clinking them together


Luther and Deigo walked into the library "lets split up" Luther said

"Wow good thinking" they separated, coincidentally meeting back in the middle on the highest floor


"No" he said looking at the floor "you wanna know why i left?"

"What? What are you talkin about"

"Why i left the academy"

Earlier Luther and Diego being the children they were had been fighting like usual and had brought their discussion into the public library

"Yeah because you couldn't handle me being number one"

"No, because thats what you do when your seventeen, you move out become your own person, grow up"

"Oh yea" Luther mocked "your a real grown up"

"Atleast i make my own decisions, you've never had to hold down a job, pay bills, have you ever even been with a girl?" he put his hands on his hips waiting for a response

"I- I don't even know what youre talking about"

Diego chuckled "look if you wanna blame me, blame us for leaving that's okay but maybe you're asking yourself the wrong question, maybe it's not about why we left, maybe it's about why you left"

"I stayed because the world needed me" he walked up to Diego

"You stayed because you couldn't let go of the ways things used to be, the academy, dad with Allison dads dead, moms now too, were orphans again now dude and things are never gonna go back to the way they used to be"

"Do you ever stop talking?"

Two women laughed in the distance along with other mutterings of "were are there parents" and "they should be embarrassed"

They turned the corner to see the two teens passed out in the corner of the library, equations written in chalk surrounded them on the walls behind

"Are they um?"

"Drunk as a skunk" Athena was slightly leaning onto him while trying to lift the bottle back to her lips, barely awake

She blinked and squinted her eyes, seeing the outline of the two men. Diego noticed her little consciousness and snapped his fingers "hey, hey no don't you pass out, i've got a mannequin to carry i don't want you as well okay?"