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The next time they opened their eyes, instead of lying on the floor in agony they found themselves squished together in an elevator

The elevator door opened, the sound of distant car horns flooded their ears, they stepped out, taking in the trees and actual civilisation it felt like they hadn't seen in so long

She swallowed shakily, running her hands around her body checking she wasn't dying, sure she felt the sliced in her skin, the dried blood but she always had some form of blood on her skin and she didn't feel like she was dying anymore than the next person, she was okay

She let out a shaky sigh, smiling as she watched the others, making sure they were okay too, "whats that?" she nudged five, who was looking at a 'memorial statue' with reginalds head placed the the centre with a dirty bronze finish
"A very ugly statue"

"Luther?" viktor said, turning around "Luther?"

The man, who nows body had turned into the shape of a normal man, walked out the elevator "Oh shit. You can see me?" he put his hands out
"I'm alive? I'm alive!" he wrapped his arms around viktor, picking his small body up

"Luther's alive!"
He put viktor down, giving him a chance to look at his body "That's not all, big guy"

She ran up to Luther, touching his now smaller muscles "holy shit!" she gasped "where'd your ape hair go!?"

"Huh? Whoa! Oh shit! My body!" he touched his chest "Wait. I look amazing"

She grinned, clutching fives hand, she always held that hand, there wasn't a reason, she had just always refused to hold his other hand, the hand that the guardian had chopped off "five!" she held his arm up

"My arm, I got my arm back" his eyebrows knitted together
"Go figure" she raised both their arms up

"Where's Sloane?"
"Oh, she was, uh... She was right behind me–"
"When Allison hit the button"

"You know, I don't know about you guys, but I have not felt this good in years" Klaus stenched, his head being clear for probably the first time in forever

"Does anyone know where the hell we are?" ben sassed, looking at all the different paths

Five and her stood away from the group, the celebration and relief soon wearing off
"I think the old man did it"
"I think he reset the universe"

Luther walked up to them, grabbing fives collar "Hey. I don't care about any resets, all right? I want my wife back. Where is she, Five?"

"I'm glad you're alive, but take your hand off me" he looked up at him
"Not until you give me an answer" he pulled his closer

"Okay, screw this"he jumped away from them, or he tried to
"Something's wrong" his eyes widened, looking around
"That's right. You're about to get your ass kicked"

"Yeah, kick his ass" diego smirked

"No, you moron. My power. I can't blink" luther let go of him

Diego took out his knife, spinning it around in his hand, it fell to the floor "That's not good"

She held her bloodied hand out, nothing coming out "i'm too tired to tell" she muttered "shit"

"Okay... Come on. Alakazam... ghosties. This means I'm mortal again? Aw man!"

"How do we get 'em back, you idiots?"

Luther fidgeted, unable to stand still knowing his wife was missing "I gotta... I gotta go find my wife"

"No! Luther, you can't go. You were dead five minutes ago" Klaus whipped around "You're fragile! I gotta go after him"

"No. Wa-- Klaus,wait!"

"I'm out, bitches" ben pointed, sassing away
"Why is he so sassy?!" she clutched her head, too much happening at once

"Come on. We should stick together and figure this out–" viktor urged

"What are we supposed to do?"
Lila looked up at him, a grin on her face "Live our lives?"
Their hands entwined, them too walking away

Leaving three, viktor five and herself, heart broken expressions in their eyes, as they put their hands together, muttering things to each other and walked away, leaving viktor stood face to face with the statue "asshole" he spat, walking away.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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