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Elliot stared at him " i think i stranded my family them here so you listen to me" he walked over to Elliot

"Elliot. Elliot my name..my names elliot" He spluttered, banging his head on his lamp

"Whatever i got ten days to find them and save the world, now i need your help to do that now where is..arrival number one"

"She's right down the hall" he gestured to his bathroom

Five nodded at him and walked away, he was slightly nervous to see her not knowing how long she had been in 1960. What if it has been decades and she could barely recognise him or what if this whole incident had destroyed her trust and they had to start over again. The possibilities were endless, the girl was unpredictable. Who knows what she would do?

Five stormed to the door and knocked relentlessly "Elliot do you want me to burn another door down? I'm in the bath..naked" she sleepy yelled

Five rolled his eyes and opened the door anyway "Hey" he smirked

"Five" her eyes widened "ay i said i was naked"

"What like that's a problem?" she rose her eyebrows at the boy

"Wow what a gentleman" she rolled her eyes

He shut the door behind him and walked up to the girl "how long have you been here?" his eyebrows knitted together

She looked up "since 1960" he saw him wince

"How come your at this guys house?"

"Long story"

"Summarise for me"

She scoffed "rich old lady, cult, police" checking things off her fingers

"a little more detail, what have you been doing for the past years?" he shook his head, leaning over the bathtub

"When i first landed here i was with Klaus and-" she stopped herself, being unsure whether to tell him
she explained what she had been doing with Klaus, she told him about the old lady that took them in, the cult she told him everything, almost everything

"Sorry, what now?"

i'm serious" she splashed the water at him

Five stifled a laugh "so you made a cult"

"No no it was more of a...yea it was a cult, i mean it was fun for a while but me and Klaus decided to leave" she grinned "Klaus loves the way i drive, he said it was the most steady and safe techniques he had ever seen"

"Don't lie dear"

"Yeah yeah whatever, im not dead so i must of done something right and than after stealing a creepy guys truck the police caught me an-"

"Wait wait why did the police come after you, apart from the obvious"

"I may have burnt down some buildings but thats not the point"

"Whoa whoa slow down what buildings did you burn down?"

"Irrelevant" she sunk her head into the now steaming water

he sighed taking off his blazer "listen" her eyes peaked over the bathtub letting him know she was listening "the apocalypse..." he began

her eyes softened and worry took over her face "oh no no"

"yea" he nodded his eyes also softening "it followed us..the world ends in ten days and i have no idea how to stop it  

"i had a bad feeling something like this would happen, towel" she motioned to the side

he passed her the towel and she dabbed her face, grabbing Five's hand to steady herself out of the bathtub "and you really don't have any clues on how to stop it?"

"well Elliots our best option right now have you seen the-"

"pictures of all of us? yea that creep knows too much" Five let out an approving hum

As the two came out of the bathroom Elliot stood with a big smile. "you know what? I uh" he got something out of his draw "i always thought this, uh mugshot looked like arrival number four" he handed Five a news article about Diego. The pair looked at each other, Athena nodded at Five who quickly jumped away

She turned to Elliot "you ever seen yojibo? Great movie"

"No, i don't believe i have"

She took a tape out of her pocket "well, were going to watch it" she grinned excitedly